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Heya everyone; Cogo here to bring a bit of a progress/personal update round-up;
Since univ started a few weeks back, I'm still trying to get used to the classes and trying to get caught up at the normal job. I'm still testing the waters and trying to make sure everything fits into place so I been moving around like crazy and thus a bit of a slow down has occurred on the programming side of things; This does not mean, however, the entire project has slowed down; Both Azul and Goro are still pushing their hardest to make this project into a reality; I had seen the progress that Goro is making and I'm getting hype myself X3 

Also, I expect this to be a very momentary slowdown while personal life falls into place; We are still aiming at an October Alpha release build.  

But enough of personal updates; let us get to the real meat, here is a bit of the progress on the Game: While events are not fully implemented yet; the bases of them might as well be called done; With them, we are able to replicate a dialogue tree and be able to do a lot of stat/data modification (let alone those sexy vore and 'relationships' scenes~), aka, questing and scenes should be easy to implement; now I just need to work on the more out-reach applications of the event system, like battle transitions and-what-not... once I tighten a few loose screws in the current system of course.  

While on that point, A lot of the cellphone UI will be worked on to work as a full-blown menu (with transitions). Inventory management will come right after on the workload~  While a bit shorter that I would like it to be, this is the progress I have at the moment; I do hope to be able to provide more advancements next progress report if and once life has fallen into place.  Hope to see ya next report~ ^^ 



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