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We've updated newgrounds! With the web version being more stable, we're seeing if it's possible to bring it back and it not cause 500 different issues that we can't do anything about. Check out the link if you wanna try it! It seems to be working properly, so might bring that to itch.

Why don't we just put it on itch? Cause people do not read. Last time we did this, despite us telling them it's buggy, it's in beta and probably won't work, and please download another version before reporting a bug, we got bombarded with bugs we cannot do anything about.

Just like people who keep ignoring the hints throughout the game people telling you to go and meet people then bum rushing the story and getting mad when they cannot encounter people. 

Which comes to the bugs! Cause them getting in the way

The coder can only test what he puts in to make sure it works so much as in the event can play and it's properly working within the given amount of time we have. We only have a month to do something that is a hobby for us between our real life commitments and responsibilities. We cannot account for all the bugs that happen on different versions of the game that we cannot playtest with a build and ask others sometime to help with this.

But that still won't out do a bunch of people playing and telling us if they encounter something if they do, And what we're for features in the game isn't something the engine really likes so we have to find work arounds to do it and ask others who also work with the engine if they know ways to do it and then try and test to see what works best.

And while a different engine would end up with better results, that comes with it's own problem. At first we thought what we wanted to do on here was impossible, so we did it on a different engine but found out that if we do, we would have to pay licenses fees to purely update different versions like mac with each update we wanted to do. Content or bug fixing. Then we'd need a working operating system like a pc or mac just to build the game for that system.

Then we came back to renpy cause we didn't have to so it's significantly cheaper and faster for people who are just doing this in their free time and not their job, and found people who could help us do what we wanted to do as a work around.

We're still learning what we can and can't do, when we update past things to account for old saves and issues that maybe could be fix in the background as you just load up and play the game. But we're not perfect and still got to a lot to learn, and make spelling mistakes as we put in stuff that might fuck some things up.

It's not the hardest thing in the world, but it's not as simple as you think some things are. Though all I can do is speak for our experiences.

That's why we have a log bug report page along with a way to upload your save and any other information you can give us. So we can find out if this is a version problem, spelling issue, the person modded their save, or unlocked a feature we locked in the engine cause it just causes bugs we couldn't get around, or just having themselves for some reason or another.

And we're still putting in QOL features that will help you meet everyone you want to, cause this is far from perfect and we know it.


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