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Ogres  embody brutish, amoral violence and cruelty. Standing 10 feet tall and  densely muscled, ogres are as strong as they are cruel. Ogres are  sadists that enjoy remorseless murder, torture, degradation, and  mutilation in all of its forms. Although they prefer to vent their  violent urges on smaller humanoids— the smaller and more beautiful, the  better—ogres promise a horrifying fate for anyone unlucky enough to fall  within their meaty grasp. But for all their creativity in developing  methods of violence, ogres often remain too dim-witted to realize that  their playthings lack an ogre’s robust fortitude and high pain  tolerance, so most captives die far sooner than the ogres might prefer.  Such a fate is perhaps preferable however, as those who survive too long  as ogres’ playthings suffer lasting mental scars from the horrifying  abuse. A captive able to keep their wits can sometimes trick the brutes  by promising treasure, meatier captives, or other crude amusements,  taking advantage of an ogre’s limited intellect to engineer  opportunities to escape.



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