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Dragon  agathions, known as draconals, number among the most powerful of their  kin, and also the wisest, embodying the wisdom of the benevolent  philosopher-king. With their wisdom comes an elevation above material  matters, making them the most removed from the troubles and lives of  mortals. Draconals serve as the guardians of powerful magic, and they  dispense their wisdom in service of the greater good of Nirvana and the celestial planes.

Draconals appear more draconic than humanoid. They walk on their hind  legs and balance on their long, serpent like tails. Sharp claws tip  their scaled humanoid hands.

Similar to true dragons, a  draconal's coloration signifies different breath weapons, traits, and  resistances. Draconals also choose spells from one of four domains. All  have the options of the air and healing domains, but their color determines the other two. Black draconals  breathe and are resistant to fire, and their additional domain options  are fire and luck. Red draconals have the same fire breath and resistance, but their additional domain options are protection and sun. Green and white draconals breathe and are resistant to cold, but green draconals have the options of nature and water domains while white draconals have the options of freedom and repose. Yellow draconals breathe and are resistant to acid, and their additional domain options are earth and luck.



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