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PF2e; Stone  golems are slow and steady constructs typically carved from marble or  granite. They’re often made to serve as works of art when at rest, so  some golem crafters employ master sculptors to ensure the constructs  make beautiful statues. Older stone golems might be weathered, with  scuffed or cracked surfaces or missing noses and digits, but this  weathering is largely cosmetic and doesn’t adversely impact the golems’  functionality.

Tales tell of particularly immense stone golems  residing in certain ancient ruins. Survivors from time-lost  civilizations bent on carrying out orders from long-gone masters, these  immense stone golems are much more powerful than most stone golems. They  are always level 15 or higher and never smaller than Huge in size—most  are Gargantuan. Because their size is so great and the structures they  dwell in so dilapidated, the awakening of such a stone golem can cause  surrounding structures to collapse, ancient foundations to buckle, and  ceilings to come crashing down on foes. In addition to the statistics  here, these massive stone golems attack with wide, sweeping strikes  capable of knocking down multiple targets at once.



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