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Pf2e Barbazus,  known also as bearded devils or infantry devils, are murderous fiends  who satiate their lust for annihilation by serving as the foot soldiers  of Hell’s armies, often leading hordes of lesser devils such as imps and  lemures into battle. Bearded devils wield serrated glaives to inflict  jagged gashes that resist healing magic, resulting in tremendous blood  loss. When enemies come too close, bearded devils strike with the spines  of their wriggling beards to deliver a wretched contagion called  Avernal fever, savoring the sight of their victim’s strength being  slowly devoured from within.

Barbazus can be found savagely  indulging the whims of evil infernal lords from all layers of Hell,  rejoicing as they disseminate murder, misery, and anguish as they see  fit.

5e Also called bearded devils, were the shock troops of the Nine Hells and the most impulsively belligerent of the baatezu. The barbarous devils earned their name from the venomous, beard-like tendrils that hung from their chins.

Barbazus were the second-lowes in the hierarchy of lesser devils, sharing the same rank as kocrachon and, according to the wizard Mordenkainen, merregons.



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