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PF2e Nabasus are birthed directly into the Material Plane from the Abyss,  an invasive infestation that releases the newly formed and ravenously  hungry demons directly into the midst of their favored prey: mortal  life. Nabasus feed on sapient creatures, but they never quite manage to  sate their eternal hunger, even as they grow more and more powerful.  Once they have sufficiently feasted, the demons become worthy to make  the return trip to the Abyss, where they undergo a vile transformation,  finally digesting their accumulated meals and deforming further into  powerful vrolikais

5e Nabassus, otherwise known as death stealers, were aggressive tanar'ri demons that had strong connections to undeath and were eternally hungry for souls. They were unique among demons as the only ones that had to live on a foreign plane for a part of their lives, sent as they were to bring the terror of the Abyss to the Material Plane 



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