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I will be posting weekly "Work in progress" images of the creatures for the community to interact, give feedback, or even ask specific requests.

Here is the classic Otyugh, a Large 10x10 creature for the Sewer Hideout theme.




Hello there! What is the VTT you use these on? Love the work I have seen of yours as I see what assets I can use for my Foundry games in the near future!


I use Foundry VTT. Usually on griddles, but there is a fun little mod made by Grape_Juice to make almost every feature of Foundry to isometric (Its not compatible with the current patch, that's why I don't use it) I hope this helps! thanks for the kind comment


Yeah the developer said there is a patch coming to v9.x in the next few days, so I am gearing up to take my new Grim Hollow campaign to a WHOLE NEW (Isometric) LEVEL! 🤣


That's awesome!!! I was waiting for that. Im currently just doing the bosses of my campaigns on Isometric, but with the Patreon I plan to do more volume to upgrade the entire thing, maybe all future campaigns x3