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Hey there everyone, I just want to start by saying how deeply I appreciate y'all's support. It means so much to me and has seriously helped me survive when disability has made other forms of work impossible. Thank you.

Next, an update: I am working on shifting my focus to creating more long-form work that, I hope, will have a bit more staying power than Twitter threads (which I will also continue to make). My previous statements about how I will use this Patreon still hold: I will not be keeping anything I think could be valuable to my comrades behind a paywall. However, I do want to give y'all some kind of perk for supporting my work, so I'm going to be experimenting with a new practice this summer and see how it goes.

Basically, as I write essays I will post them here first, viewable to Patrons only for one week. After a week has past then I will release it on Mediums as well as Twitter and Instagram. So any new essays I write will be available to y'all first, and you can let me know what you think if you'd like! The first of these will be posted shortly, so keep a look-out.

Love and Solidarity,




Makes a lot of sense.. Stay strong.