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Hey all! Right now I'm reading Complaint! by Sara Ahmed, a book that explores the way power responds to and suppresses complaint. There is a central focus on trying to complain within the University or other formal institutions, but on my reading there is much here that can be applied to the way complaint is treated in smaller, more informal social spaces as well. In particular the chapter "In the Thick of It" examines a lot of the emotional landscape that is being a survivor who has made a complaint, how fraught making such a complaint is, and the self-doubt and anxiety that plagues one when one seeks to challenge power. As a survivor myself I got a lot out of that chapter, so I thought I'd suggest it to y'all as well!

If you follow the link you can read "In the Thick of It" and attached to this post is an audio file of that essay for folks that format is more accessible for!




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