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Hey, just to let you know that, I know I've been a bit... not very active lately. I got sick a while ago and there have been family stuff recently that has been putting me on nerves.

I'm trying to do as much as I can so nothing will be delayed. I'm trying to focus in commissions and the patreon post, so the Re-Makes (Bowser and Pangoro) May be a bit delayed for a while. 

Also, I'll try to make at least 4 or 5 of the Patreon rewards before the end of the month, so if I owe you one (or two) you may be receiving the doodles soon!

Thanks for your patience guys.

PD: Also, Banjo and Mercenary are the winners of the poll, so you may see them soon.



Its all fine Sib, you had real troubles so if need time away its your right to take it. I hope your family stuff will be resolved fast (if possible) and than you'll can relax a bit >×<. But still thanks for the advertisment, I wish you the best and good-luck for the next buddy