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Hello everyone. If you stopped to read this, I want to say a huge thanks. I know I haven't even started but, a huge thanks.

If you've been in my streams (or chatting with me) in general, you may know that talking about my grand father is a common thing. This is because since last 3 years I moved back to my family house to (help to?) take care of him. He suffers of Alzheimer's syndrome and has been turned into a person who's completely dependant of other people to make the most basic tasks. This 3 years things has been like that and every day is getting worse, to the point that it is slowly decreasing my family (where I'm included) mentality and availability to make things, to the point we're almost literally trapped at home.

We kinda have family help, yeah, but most part of the time grandpa is at home and, in more or less, it's my mother and my responsibility to assist him.

We're getting tired, we're begining to feel sickness, in both mental and physical way. And even when we try to look for options, seems they're very very limited.

Several days ago we was able to negotiate(?) with one of my aunts to help us with grandpa for a couple of days. And now my mother has surprised me with a reservation to go on vacation to a close city. And even when I was not 100% sure, a part of me feels it's something we need. So I'll be a bit away from here this next days.

I normally don't write about this things, but this time I've felt it's necessary due to the nature of this platform. I haven't forgotten your other suggestions and I'm taking them in account for future releases.

If you came to this point, thank you for reading and caring about the situation I'm going trough. Not gonna lie, it's a bit hard cause sometimes I feel this as part of drama or something. But I think it's better to just say things sometimes.

I wish you good luck, and a amazing day. Best wishes and big bear hugs. 🐻❤️


Joe Heide

Understandable Siberio, I will always be here for you

Joe Heide

Love you Big Wereewolf hugs

Jeffrey Pikul

We had a very similar situation with my grandmother. Go, enjoy yourself when you have a chance.