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Hello guys.

For the new projects I'll do the next months, I'm interested to draw new characters in ticklish situations. Why not doing it together?

I would like to see which characters that i Havent drawn yet be would you like to see.

Just drop me the name of the character and a reference in this post. I would love to see what you like!

I'll take the ones I find more interesting.



Well could be fun to have sole female tickle or you are male-lee only ? If nop I have a female character than you should try : Loona the werewolf than come frol a cartoon https://images.app.goo.gl/tSoLdsZ9yuVXJLFi7


Maybe leathead? You already did draw him recently but I can’t remember if you tickled him before


I haven't drawn him being tickled. But i think it would be sweet to see him in his laboratory outfit :3


Ah, I've seen a couple of shots from that cartoon. I think she's a cool character, but I'm not really into female tickling, to be honest ^^;


No problem Sib ^^ is why I asked about it UwU. Other nice characters yiu coukd try : Krypto the dog of Superman, Terry the battle wolf from Toriko, Hunter from Spyro (the cheetha guy), Toothless than you drew only once, Gabu the wolf from the animated movie Arashi no Yuri, King-Shark from batman. I have plenty ither in mind but these ar part of my favs ^^.

Russie Bear

Well there are always Khajiit and Argonians from Elder Scrolls, if you’ve ever played any of them Sib! ^u^


Ah i haven't draw those. But i have to say I was looking at them closely and i think they have lots of potential :3


Hunter and Blitz from the Road Rovers.


I think I've drawn one of em once. But Hunter looks good


Another interesting option would be Kurama from naruto in my opinion.


Rengar in the game League of Legends