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A few sketches made with my lizardfolk, grabbing a few ideas I got from many of people on FA!

I may open them again if someone's interested, or you can just drop another idea here if I haven't done yours, I'll try to make them!

I hope you like this




Damn, they all look fantastic and really nice to see a lizard getting it, hehe. Lots of variety, from classics to unique ideas, lol. Kinda feel bad that I missed this because I was asleep... oh well, if you say you'll do it again next time, gonna wait for next time then. Either way, great job on those sketches. ^^


Dang the one night I decide to go to bed at a reasonable time lmao, was gonna try and put him in the same situation Nerev, SIb, and Vaathur were in in my previous comm but oh well there's always next time lol