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Young Furvie and Kat.
After breaking out of their cell. An untimely team up that will spark the start of everything to come in the future. Before Rose and before every other. However, Kat was not the one that started Furvie's journey.n untimely team up of Kathrine and Furvie. A young version of them from long ago. Before Rose and before our Dorsal puddings were a thing. The two captured by Kat's twisted uncle. Both on the run with similar goals. Furvie out on his path to find and avenge his brother, Toffee. As for Kat, to seek refuge and to cleanse the corruption of her family lineage.

Kat is Rose's deceased mother. And the snow-leopard Furvie spent 3 years trying to track down after her disappearance. His grief to find her no longer is passed down in a form of present day Rose and her lust for vengence.

Streaks of purple on Kat's hair shows she has been under the influence and drain of the electro-stone. Furvie shows no such strain as he is part dragon. He is the one carrying it here as he knows that the foot soldiers sent for them is only eyeing for the artifact. Furvie has no experience in conjuring the artifacts power yet so it doesn't shine here unlike the morning star in most of Tanya's shots



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