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After the introduction of IB (Inkbunny) into my list of platforms. Patreon crew isnt happy with the stuff I put out anymore for good reason.

So I'll be deleting a few things here and there and itll be relocated elsewhere.

My patreon will still be up and running but Ill use it for more acceptable things now (Iv got plans in mind still)

But nothing Patreon exclusive will be lost. Just gonna make some big changes around here for now. Thanks for being patient



Dare I ask what's going?


:( Please a new page where you don't just have to pay with a credit card, for me as a German this is stupid


Hey just keep doing what's best for you, it's all about making those choices, you will figure it out over time, maybe do straw polls on patron to choose your next drawing or something, either way keep up the work