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Hello everyone! Yesterday, I got my second dose of moderna and unfortunately a ton of side effects. Here’s a list of them by time so far..

8PM: mild headache

10PM: woke up with violent chills

3AM: woke up with mild fever, splitting headache, and body aches.

(It’s currently 3:58AM as I write this) I am miserable 😩 but! I remember I’m doing this cause I want to protect myself and my community. My brothers were very fortunate and had zero side effects from injection two. I am the unlucky one 😅☹️😞😣 Hoping I feel better soon so I can stream later but I’m not sure if I will today.

Anyway, please go get your vaccines. We can only overcome this pandemic if enough of us do our part. I may be temporarily miserable right now but it’ll be worth it. (Also I’m a high risk person myself so I need it)

I love all y’all and thank you for the support.

Let’s overcome this pandemic together! 😷 💉👍



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