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Saber fell in silence when she saw all of this. Before, she confidently said that she could handle all of this, especially when she had seen what kind of person Rider was, yet in the end, she was slapped.


Saber glared at Assassin, who was laughing at her.

Still, Assassin didn't fear Saber that much since he was just joking, but at the same time, he knew how fearsome Rider's Noble Phantasm was. While he could separate himself into seventy-nine people, Rider could create tens of thousands of Servants.

Yet, tens of thousands!

Moreover, all of them were Servants.

Even though their strength might not be as powerful as Lancer or Saber, the superior numbers made up all the disadvantages and weaknesses.

Assassin realized his weakness, but it didn't matter since his master was by his side.

Moreover, compared to Caster's Noble Phantasm, while Rider's Noble Phantasm was powerful, there was no comparison.

Desert versus space.

Who was the winner was clear, right?

"What's wrong? Are you trembling due to fear of facing my greatest army!"

Rider's voice echoed.

It was clear that his voice was filled with pride due to his courageous army.

"From the beginning to the end, there is no chance of you winning against me! Facing my army, everything is meaningless!"

There was no doubt his words were arrogant, yet no one refuted him since Rider had the capital to be arrogant.

If Rider's tens of thousands of army were just normal humans, they might not care much, but all of them were Servants!

"Do you need me to handle this Saber?" Tamazuki asked calmly.

Saber took a deep breath before she apologized, "Sorry, Tamazuki." If she could release the seal of her Excalibur, then it would be easy to destroy this world, but how would it take a while to do all of that?

Would the Rider give her a chance to do that?

Saber wasn't naive enough to believe that Rider would do all of that.

Moreover, Rider's army seemed to have a throwing stance with their spears.

While Saber wanted to face Rider, she didn't want to endanger everyone due to her selfishness.

Still, if she really could have been given a chance to unseal Excalibur, then destroying this reality was as easy as walking into the park.

"Okay, but you need to reward me."

"Ho-How?" Saber was stunned and blushed.

Tamazuki glanced at Assassin, causing him to look away as he closed his ears tightly. "Let's have you wear a costume later."


Saber opened her lips and then closed them again like a fish in the aquarium, but while she was embarrassed, she nodded like a courageous knight who was ready to face a fearsome enemy.

"I will do it!"


Tamazuki didn't waste his time anymore since the faster he ended all of this, the faster he would get Saber.

Then, at that moment, he took out the weapon he had stolen from Gilgamesh.


At that moment, the bright sun turned dark and gloomy as thunder screamed and roared.

Yet, everyone's attention was attracted by a single weapon that reminded them of a drill with a blunt tip, yet even with such a weird shape, everyone could tell how dangerous it was.

Whether it was Rider, Saber, Caster, or Assassin widened their eyes.

"Master, that's..."

"Yes, this is Gilgamesh's trump card."

Then, the three segments on the weapon started to move in a different direction, causing the reality to snap, and everyone could tell that this world was about to be broken.


Waver was scared to death, but Rider raised his arm courageously.


There was no way Rider would let Tamazuki use that weapon. He needed to finish them as soon as possible!

At that moment, Rider's army threw their lances at a speed that should be impossible to do. It was already breaking the sound barrier, yet even if their attacks were fast, it was too late.

"Enuma Elish."

The world was crumbling.

All the things that approached Tamazuki were crushed and destroyed and vanished from their eyes.

Then, when Rider was about to charge, the desert where they stood also crumbled, falling into the deep abyss where the bottom couldn't be seen.

Waver was in despair as he was sitting on Rider's chariot, watching all the army brought by Rider was easily defeated like this.

Nevertheless, Rider didn't seem to care about the others and kept moving in Tamazuki's direction with the intention of slaying him!

Tamazuki might be powerful with his Enuma Elish, but what about close combat?

Rider believed that he could win!

Yet, Rider forgot who was standing by the side of Tamazuki.

Saber and Assassin wouldn't let Rider get close, yet the intensity that came from Rider's chariot was too intense.

Even if the world was crumbling, the thunder that came from the two legendary bovines and a chariot had a might that was enough to destroy anything, but—

"Let me handle this."


Assassin and Saber fell silent, wondering what his purpose was to bring them by his side.

Did he only wish for them to protect his women?

Even though they were helpless, they knew that they could only leave this problem to him. After all, to defeat Rider, Saber needed to use her Noble Phantasm, but Assassin? He was a hopeless facing Rider.

Tamazuki took out his katana and put an "Iai-stance," holding the handle of his sword, before a clicking sound was heard.

The world seemed to lose color and sound.

Then, suddenly everything was cut in half, including space and the world.

Waver was unable to let out a single word, and he could only sob as he saw Rider's head fall on the ground, defeated.

Tamazuki also didn't waste his time and devoured Rider along with the two bovines and the chariot.

As for Waver, Tamazuki threw him into the space where Kayneth and his fiancee were living, letting them live together.

Then, when the "Reality Marble" was destroyed, Tamazuki, Saber, Scheherazade, and Assassin returned to the place where they had previously stood.

"I am going to summon the Grail now."

"Eh?" 3x

They didn't even have a chance to say anything as suddenly the mountain where they stood suddenly shook like there was an earthquake, and at the same time, malice in the world gathered.

Then, Saber saw the Grail that they had been waiting for, but when she saw the reality, her heart crumbled as she saw what kind of dirty thing the Holy Grail was.

"Is... Is this the Holy Grail?"

Tamazuki didn't answer Saber and just entered the shapeless, hard-to-describe space that was created by the Holy Grail.

Due to the previous Holy Grail war, the Holy Grail was corrupted, and it was filled with the malice of the world.

Yet, for Tamazuki, it didn't matter.

Whether it was pure or dirty, he was going to devour all of them.

However, when he was about to step into Root, he saw someone familiar.


"No, I am her ancestor, Justeaze Lizrich von Einzbern."

The woman whose appearance was so similar to Irisviel said with a gentle smile.


Tamazuki was speechless since among the three families that had created the Holy Grail, none of them were good, whether it was Matou, Tohsaka, or Einzbern, all of them had their own cheats, so they could win the Holy Grail easier.

"Your existence brings so many powerful beings, you know?" Justeaze couldn't help but try to remind Tamazuki.

"You are not affected by Angra Maiyu?" Tamazuki asked.

"Before, but now, you have devoured him." Justeaze smiled gently.


Tamazuki stared at Justeaze for a moment and didn't expect that she would trigger his system. He took a deep breath and said, "Wait here. After this, I am the rule of this universe."


Justeaze blinked her eyes, but before she could even react, she saw him enter Root.

The boundless white space spread before him.

However, in that moment, he felt everything was so clear.


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