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The booming sound echoed in every direction.

In theory, Ardy, who was a puppet created from a machine, should have better strength than Tamazuki, yet strangely enough, their strength matches each other.

Tamazuki might seem slim, but without a doubt, his strength was better than most people. Instead, what they didn't know was that he was matching the strength of Ardy, so he wouldn't destroy it by chance.

In the center of the stage, their battle had become a slugfest.

It was a dangerous place that no one could enter.

Their fight was like a tornado, and once someone entered, they would be shredded apart.

Even Julis and Rimcy didn't dare to get close and watched Tamazuki and Ardy from the distance before they stared at each other and fought from a long range.

Yet, watching this battle, everyone was roaring in excitement. After all, the match between strengths had always been the clearest and the most exciting of all since even those novices would understand, and no one needed to think.


"Dammit, did he just match the strength of the doll?!"

"How much strength does he pack on his body?!"

Everyone was just screaming, trying to release all the adrenaline in their bodies.

Everyone had seen Ardy's power with his hammer, yet strangely enough, Tamazuki could match that power.

If Tamazuki was a monster, they would believe it now.

"Wahahaha! Father, I have so much fun!"

Ardy laughed, feeling happy with this exchange since all the people he faced didn't dare to challenge him like a warrior and would evade and attack him from the side. Yet, Tamazuki was different since he faced him directly, without hiding. This feeling... it was his first time to feel like this.

Ardy knew that he might be a machine, but he felt like his blood was boiling.

"Is that so? But this is far from enough to make me happy, Ardy."

Ardy suddenly saw Tamazuki's hammer become faster and stronger. If he had eyes, he would open his eyes wide at this moment. Unfortunately, he didn't.


Suddenly, a wall of light appeared in front of Ardy to protect him from any harm.

Absolute Shield.

It was a barrier used by Ardy to tease all the contestants of the Festa. Usually, during a fight, he would use this barrier and let the other contestants use all of their attacks for a minute.

This barrier was invincible since no matter what the attacks were; no one was able to penetrate it.

Tamazuki knew that it was a small-scale version of the defensive barriers used for the Festa stages, and this was why it was strong.

The booming sound was once again sounding, causing the impact to spread on the ground and air.

Ardy gulped secretly, but he also felt helpless since he was forced to use a barrier even though he wanted to face his father with all of his might, yet he knew even with all of his might, he wasn't his father's opponent.


When Ardy thought about the possibility of winning this match, Tamazuki's voice suddenly woke him up.

"You don't think that you are safe with this barrier, right?"

Then, suddenly the speed of his hammer increased even more. His swing became faster as it left an afterimage.

Unlike the others, who weren't clear, Ardy saw Tamazuki swing his hammer five consecutive times in the same spot, and each of the swings became even stronger.

Stronger, stronger, then until finally, the barrier cracked and destroyed.

Ardy quickly raised his hammer and protected himself, but it was impossible to stop Tamazuki's hammer as he was directly thrown into the corner of the stage with a loud bang.


Rimcy quickly chased after Ardy.


Meanwhile, everyone was at a loss, watching Tamazuki, who smashed Ardy with his hammer.

This... how should they describe this battle?



"But... well... he is amazing."

Everyone had to agree since when everyone thought that it was impossible to defeat those puppets with physical ability, Tamazuki showed them that they were wrong and smashed Ardy into the distance.

Saya stared at Tamazuki before she stared at Amagiri, who was dumbfounded before shaking her head.


"Ernesta..." Camilla was speechless and helpless.

"It's okay. They still have that technique." Ernesta also didn't expect Tamazuki to be so strong, yet this wasn't so surprising since he hardly showed his all in his match. During his match, he mostly stayed as a supporter, supporting Julis, who burnt everyone with her fire. Yet, in this match, he was different as he was so aggressive and could even defeat Ardy in the game of strength.

Moreover, Tamazuki hadn't used his Ser-Veresta, which meant he could become even stronger.

"But... don't you think the quality of his Lux is even better?" Camilla suddenly said.

"Now that you mention it..." Ernesta was also in doubt. Ardy's hammer was created by Camilla, who was the head faction of the Ferrovius, yet Tamazuki's hammer also wasn't lost in quality.

"Do you think that he has made that Lux hammer by himself?

"...is that possible?"


At this moment, they had confirmed that this guy was a monster, but without a doubt, he was really perfect as their partner.

"We still have that. It's still too early to throw in the towel."

"Yeah, we have to believe in them."

Without a doubt, Ardy and Remcy had grown, but they knew to defeat Tamazuki wouldn't be so simple, so the only thing that Ardy and Remcy could do was to use that technique. Even if that technique wasn't perfect, this was the only way to defeat Tamazuki.


"Did you get him?" Julis asked.

"Not yet. They are going to stand up and use their strongest technique now."

"...don't you think that we should stop them?"

"It's okay. I want to see how strong they are." Tamazuki didn't intend to end them immediately and wanted to see their 100%.


Julis nodded and believed in him since she knew this guy was invincible.



Ardy laughed as he could see part of his body was cracked. If the barrier didn't protect him, he was sure that he would become junk.

"Ardy, are you okay?"

"Yeah, but I can't match in strength." Ardy looked at Remcy. "Remcy, we have to do that."

"Okay." Strangely enough, Remcy, who usually disagreed, would agree immediately.

"You want to win too, huh?"


"Then, let's do it!"

Moreover, they didn't lose so easily. As Ernesta said before, he was their father, so they knew that he was strong, yet it was also because of this they were going to show him their everything!

Remcy spread her arms, and her body emanated a manadite glow.

"Purging ACM unit, first exterior armor, Luxes. Transferring limit control."

Her flight unit and armor separated from her body and floated up as several enormous gun Luxes activated and did the same.

"Ah! Here we go, here we go, here we go!" Aardy cried. "Commence connection!"

"Wh-What are they doing?"

"Ohhh! C-Could this be—?!"

The thrilled announcer blurted.

Steam hissed from Ardy's body, and his shoulders split wide open. Rimcy's flight unit separated into two pieces and docked into the opening he'd made—in other words, the Luxes and their armor attached to his arms and legs.

As his eyes shined brightly, the light pouring from his body turned from green to blue.

Was this really happening?

Even Julis couldn't maintain her calm.

"The-They combined?!"

Everyone stared in disbelief.

"Bwa-ha-ha-ha!" Ardy crowed. "Now gaze upon my three from, Father!"


"Camilla Pareto—badge is broken."


Everyone fell silent as they saw Remcy's badge was broken.

Tamazuki played with a stone in his hand and asked, "So, are you ready?"

Ardy might not have a throat, but he somehow gulped subconsciously, yet he was also anticipating their battle.


Raising his hammer, Ardy was ready for the rematch!


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