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"...an unfamiliar ceiling..."

Hokusai opened his eyes as he felt confused, but his expression turned frown when he felt a pain on his left side.

"You have woken up?"

He looked at the small elderly man, who appeared on his side, and asked, "Who are you?" While his left side was quite hard to move, he could still see this man from his right eye. Still, even if he didn't know who this man was, he could tell that this person should be the person who tended to his injuries. As to how he could be so sure, it was because this man wore a doctor's gown, which was easy to tell that this man was a doctor.

"It's our first time meeting each other, Hokusai-kun. My name is Kyudai Garaki. You can say that I am your Sensei's trusted subordinate."

"Um, nice to meet you, Sensei." Hokusai looked at his life side and asked, "By the way, can my left side be healed?"

"You don't need to worry. You only need a time before everything is recovered."

"That's good since that way, I can save him."

"Oh?" Kyudai  was surprised and asked, "You're going to save your Sensei?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"But he is in Tartarus! The tightest jail in the world!"

"So what? If I want to save someone, who can stop me? If one All-Might isn't enough, then I will make an army of All-Might."

"......" Kyudai realized how dangerous Hokusai's Quirk was, but he laughed. "It's okay. You don't need to worry. Your Sensei has his own plan."

"Oh? Is it related to Shigaraki-kun?"

"Yes." Kyudai sighed. "It is unfortunate that you're not chosen as an inheritor." If Hokusai was All-For-One's inheritor, he could imagine how amazing it would be. After all, compared to a brat like Shigaraki, he liked Hokusai more, especially when he saw how All-For-One and Hokusai stood side by side, rampaging the entire city.

While it was unfortunate that they had lost, Kyudai vowed to save Hokusai from that image; even now, he couldn't erase it from his head.

"It's okay. I have never wanted to become his inheritor. Lastly, you shouldn't trust me much since I have my own goal."

"It's okay. It's okay. I understand, but before you achieve your ambition, you're going to do your everything to help him, right?"


Kyudai nodded and felt satisfied.

All that mattered was the fact Hokusai would help All-For-One.

As for Hokusai's ambition to die as an eternal art, Kyudai didn't care at all.

"So, what are you going to do with Shigaraki-kun?"

"Well, I will transfer his Quirk to him."

"...is that possible?"

"Don't underestimate my ability. If the others can't do it, I can do it."



"Still, Sensei's goal is One-For-All, right?"

"Yeah, he has told you?"

"I have heard his conversation with All-Might." Hokusai sighed in relief. "But I am glad that his target isn't Mineta."

"Yeah..." Kyudai also sighed.

Mineta's power brought terror to everyone. His hammer existed to punish all of the villains.

"More importantly, I have seen the inheritor of One-For-All. He is an incompetent boy. It will be easy for Sensei to get his hand on it."

"Oh? Really?"

"Yeah, you should check it. The freckled boy with green hair. I forgot his name, but he is from Yuuei."

"I will check it as soon as possible." Kyudai nodded and thought about getting all the information about the boy mentioned by Hokusai.

"Oh, right? Where is Himiko?"

"It seems she's on the job?" Kyudai had gotten used to Toga's existence, so he answered what he knew. That girl was noisy, but he knew that girl cared about Hokusai, which made him sigh since even if they were a villain, they still longed for someone to accompany them. It was the same with him.

When everyone thought that he was crazy because of his research, All-For-One was the only one that believed him, so he gave all of his life fully to him.

"Job? Did Shigaraki-kun take a part-time job or something?" Hokusai asked with a strange expression on his face.

"...of course not" Kyudai's lips twitched, but he thought for a moment. "But it also isn't wrong to say that they're working a part-time job now."

"Can you be more elaborate?"

"It seems that they're working with yakuza?"

"Yakuza? You mean that fossil-like gang?" Hokusai's expression became even weirder.

"Yeah, that one."

"Is there something interesting about them? It's not about money, right?"

"Well, it's only a coincidence, but this yakuza has a drug that is capable of erasing someone's Quirk." Kyudai was so excited.

"Oh!" Hokusai was extremely surprised before he shook his head.

"What? What's wrong? Why are you shaking my head?"

"I thought to use this Quirk on Mineta."

"Right?" Kyudai also thought the same since if Mineta was shot by this drug, then Mineta wouldn't be a threat to them.

"But I don't think that he will be hit by this drug."

"......" Kyudai couldn't refute it.

"I am curious, but I am not in the position to do anything now."

"Well, what you need to do is to rest."

"How long will I recover?"

"It should be a year or two since your injuries are so serious. To be honest, it is amazing that you can talk to me calmly. Your left side is in pain, right?"

"Yes, it's painful, but it is also a sign that I am living."

Kyudai nodded and felt satisfied with Hokusai's performance. "With how you are now, you might only need half a year to recover."

"Thank you, Doctor. If I recover, I will give you one of my paintings for free."


"By the way, can you give Shigaraki-kun a message from me?"


"Don't attack Mineta and his family."


Kyudai was dumbfounded, but then he asked, "Can I ask why?" He didn't think that Hokusai would betray them, but shouldn't they attack Mineta's family, so they could have the upper hand?

"He is more dangerous than you all thought. His family is like a chain, a bondage, a cage, or whatever you call it. If you break that chain, nothing will stop him anymore. He is going for the kill. Whether it is, Shigaki-kun, Toga, me, or everyone else, as long as they're related to us, he will kill all of us. Nothing will remain."

As Hokusai calmly narrated his understanding of Mineta calmly, Kyudai had a cold sweat on his body.

"Even I am not sure whether I can beat him in my current condition. It's better to do everything steadily. If you can get the drug and develop it yourself, it will be even better. However, I have become stronger since the last battle. That guy is mine. I will defeat him. I will pay him for almost making me cripple, so..."

Hokusai looked at Kyudai blankly and said, "Do your best to heal me."


Kyudai felt a shudder, and his entire body trembled like he was facing a monster, but he also smiled brightly. "Leave everything to me." While Hokusai's words might seem like a threat, he was more than happy to help him since as long as Mineta was gone, everything would be so smooth.

"Go to take a rest. I will handle everything."


As Hokusai closed his eyes, Kyudai let out a sigh of relief before he continued with his job.


In Ryukyu's office, when everyone was sleeping, a sweet voice echoed inside the room.

Mineta and Ryukyu quickly had sex when everyone went to sleep. They were inside her room at that moment, and he let her do whatever he wanted with her body. She even let him costume her in various embarrassing costumes and said lewd words, which was enough for her to wish to hide far away.

Yet she couldn't deny it felt so good.

"I am going to cum!"

Her body arched as she felt her womb brimming with his semen. She wasn't sure whether it was safe or not, but she didn't care.

As they rested, she lay on his chest in contentment and said softly, "I am glad that you are okay. If you're gone..." If he was gone, then she...

"Shh... let's not remember that. It's been a while since we've been together, so let's just enjoy, okay?"


She sighed on his arm, holding him as if afraid that he would disappear.

Looking at Ryukyu, who started to fall asleep, Mineta was in silence, and no one knew what he was thinking.



perfect plan!!!!