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Mitaka looked at the brochure in his hands, which announced the game exhibition made by the Sakurasou. Even though the members of the Sakurasou, from how crowded it was, he could tell that all of the people who came knew who the one made this game.

Mitaka knew how famous Shishio was, especially when his writing was so beautiful.

Shishio's achievement in writing was something that Mitaka was jealous of.

To be honest, Mitaka also didn't like Shishio since whenever he was with him, he felt inferior. It was also why he was close to Sorata since when he was with Sorata, he felt he was better.

As for Shiro-san?

Even if this guy was a pervert, Shiro-san's ability at writing was also something that Mitaka could only look up to.

Still, because of Shiro-san's pervertedness, Mitaka also felt that he was better. He was the best among Sakurasou until Shishio came.

Shishio was like everything that Mitaka wanted in life.

Shishio had talent in many things. He was rich, smart, and had a lot of women, and there was a lot more.

Who didn't want all of that?

Even Mitaka was jealous.

Mitaka might love Misaki, but if he was asked if he could date all the women while dating Misaki, who didn't want to?

Unfortunately, Mitaka didn't have what Shishio could have, and he could only run away, facing his inferiority toward Misaki. When he did this, he thought that Misaki would chase him like how she did most of the time. He thought that she would beg him to return and use his script, but to his shock that she ignored him and made a game with Shishio.

The two achieved great success, leaving him staring in dazed disbelief.


By now, he realized even though she was in love with him, in the end, the most important thing for her was her work. He had never been number one, and she also quickly found his replacement. It was also why he cruelly told her not to publish the anime she made with Shishio.

Mitaka knew how the woman's heart works, and he also knew he was attractive, so he used this advantage to seduce many women. While he didn't say anything, watching Misaki was a mess also pleased him since he wanted her to feel the pain he felt, yet he also ignored the fact that the one who was hurt wasn't him alone. Instead, she was hurt harder since she didn't have much experience with an emotional matter.

Having superiority over her, he thought that he was the one who controlled everything, but Misaki ignored him.

Was his existence that small in her heart?

His head was a mess since he realized that he couldn't control Misaki anymore.

Everything, which he had done for the past few years, disappeared and turned into nothing.

He was in a panic and didn't know what to do, but the only thing that made him at ease was he knew Shishio didn't have an interest in Misaki.

After all, if Shishio said that he had, even Mitaka didn't think that he could do something.

Knowing all of this puts him at ease.

Even if he knew that Misaki's existence became far and far away as he kept drowning in the mud, he would be okay since no matter how dark his surroundings were, knowing Misaki was still in love with him gave him a light.

It was his salvation and his best achievement since he could make such an amazing girl fall for him.

Still, everything changed when the cultural festival was about to be held.

Once again, he heard everyone in the Sakurasou was going to make a game. Even if he was blind, he knew that this game would become popular and achieve a lot of popularity. Knowing this, he felt regret since he couldn't participate.

If he could participate, then his resume would be amazing since he could make an amazing game with a lot of amazing people.

It was the same case as the anime which he made with Misaki.

While Misaki felt that his writing was boring, Mitaka only thought it felt good to become so famous.

Unfortunately, such a convenient thing was no longer there.

Even all the people who had tried to get close to him because of Misaki had already left.

By now, Mitaka knew that without Misaki, he was nothing. He wasn't much different from the rest. He wasn't special. Instead, he was just a normal guy.

For someone else, it might not be bad, but for him, who also wanted to become special, he longed for the word special to be applied to him.

To be honest, he wanted their game to fail, but he knew that it would be hard for them to fail.

Filled with a dilemma, he saw Fuuka.

Fuuka was, without a doubt, one of the women that he couldn't forget since she was Misaki's sister and also his ex-lover.

When he saw her, suddenly, a delighted feeling welled up in his heart.

He thought that she was going to talk with him, telling him that she was in love with him and asking him to date again.

While what he did was unforgivable, he knew that Fuuka couldn't forget him. She should be in love with him.

This should be the case, but he frowned when he saw Fuuka was with Shishio.


How could they be together?

Why were they so close?

What was even more unacceptable was that he saw her hugging Shishio's arm intimately.

Even though he didn't feel love toward Fuuka, watching her, who he had thought was still in love with him, so intimately with another guy made him uncomfortable.

Did she fall for him?

In such a short moment?

Or had they known each other?

He had left quite a while from Sakuasou, and he didn't know anything about what had happened there since his relationship with the others wasn't that good.

Sakurasou also had a rule not to allow the people who had left the dorm to return.

It was a strange rule, but no matter how many times he begged, it was impossible for him to return.

Even if he might always rely on a woman to get everything, he still had self-esteem, which he needed to maintain.

But he regretted it now since he realized that many things had developed into something that he didn't like. By then, Misaki also joined, and the three of them enjoyed the cultural festival together happily while he could only watch them from afar like a stalker.

What were they talking about?

Why were Misaki and Shishio so close?

What was their relationship?

His thought was terrorized by many things, and he just stared at them from a distance with bloodshot eyes.

There were many things that he wanted to ask, but it was possible for him to ask Shishio or Misaki, so he put his target on Fuuka. He waited for them impatiently, and fortunately, Fuuka was separated, which gave him a chance to talk with her.

When they were alone, he directly apologized, showing how regretful and remorseful he was for hurting her. While he didn't bow his head, he felt he had bowed his head, especially when he put on a regretful expression.

Still, what he didn't know, he felt happy at this moment, showing how happy he was since he was superior.

Having been inferior to Misaki, he had always wanted to be seen as someone special, and he got it by dating someone. When those women fell for him and gave their everything to him, he felt special. It was something that made him addicted, and the feeling he got from Misaki was the best since Misaki was the best woman that he knew.

Unfortunately, the scene that he had been waiting for didn't appear.

Fuuka didn't cry or look at him sadly for choosing Misaki. Instead, she called someone coyly while treating him like air. While he was furious, he was also a coward, so he didn't dare to do anything. He was also curious about what Fuuka wanted to do, especially when she told him to follow her.

Yet, he didn't expect to meet Shishio. He could also see Shishio was surprised and confused by Fuuka's call. He wanted to say something, but his eyes widened when he saw Fuuka kiss Shishio's lips.

The two were kissing each other intimately like a pair of animals in a heart. They ignored his gaze and just made out in front of him.

He couldn't comprehend anything for a moment, but when he woke up, a rush of anger clouded his head.

What the hell was this!?

While he wanted to pull them away, he didn't move since he didn't dare, especially when Shishio's eyes were so scary, so he just stayed in a place, waiting for them to end their make out.

However, when they finished, Fuuka said, "Farewell." She held Shishio's hand and pulled him away, leaving him alone.

Watching the two of them leave, Mitaka couldn't move. He couldn't say anything and just stared at them in a daze. By now, he regretted many things. He knew that he had hurt Fuuka, and this was her revenge.

Her revenge was simple, and it was to be happy by getting a better man than him.

It was so simple, but it was effective.

Mitaka couldn't accept anything for a while, and he just stood there in disbelief, wondering how easy it was for a woman to leave him even though he had hurt her enough, so she couldn't forget about him.

Fuuka was happy, and Mitaka was swallowed by sadness.

Still, Mitaka also felt angry with Shishio for doing such a thing. Shishio was rude and didn't treat him like a senior.

As he grumbled in anger, soon, Mitaka quickly woke up since he realized that he still had Misaki. He knew that Misaki wouldn't betray her like Fuuka, so now, even if he felt uncomfortable, he decided to visit the game exhibition made by the Sakurasou.

As he entered the hall, he looked around to search for an empty chair. As expected, it was hard since there were many people, but as he kept observing, he saw a familiar person.

"Ah, Sorata?"

Sorata, whose face was as complicated as Mitaka's, also turned and was surprised. "Mitaka-senpai?"

The two of them met each other for the first time in a while.



hahaha Two idiots meet again