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Mineta and All-Might walked around the tangerine orchard while also walking along the beach. He also explained many things to All-Might, which made him look around curiously.

"It's like you have never been in the countryside or something, All-Might-sensei."

"Just call me, Yagi, Mineta-boy."

"Your real name?"


"Well, Yagi-san."

All-Might, or Yagi Toshinori, smiled and felt happy somehow.

"It's your first time in the countryside?"

Compared to the other places, Mineta had to say Kamakura was like the countryside.

"Well, I have spent most of my time in Tokyo and other big cities. I rarely come to the countryside, especially during my active times."

Most of the crimes happened in the big city, and as the number one hero, All-Might naturally stayed in the city since most of the powerful heroes were there.

It was also the case with the All-For-One since he also stayed in the city most of the time.

Why a city?

It was because there were a lot of people.

With so many people, many things happened.

It was also why it might be All-Might's first time to see something so peaceful.

"It's a good place, right?"

"Yes." All-Might looked at the distance, but he thought that he wouldn't stay in this place for a long time since he had given all of his life for the peace of this world. It was impossible for him to rest when he thought many people were suffering from the villains. As long as he was still breathing, he wouldn't give up no matter what.


All-Might looked at Mineta and wondered why it felt like it was possible for the world to become peaceful as long as Mineta was around. He knew that this was wrong of him, especially when he had chosen someone to become his inheritor, yet he felt that this young man was more suitable to become his inheritor.



"I have told you about my Quirk, right?"

"Yes." Mineta had a feeling that All-Might wanted to say something, so he didn't feel that much of a surprise. "You said you inherited from someone and also the origin..." He thought for a moment and said, "By the way, I have heard your conversation with All-For-One."

"Ah, you heard that...?" All-Might showed an awkward expression.

"It's impossible for me to ignore it since you two talk quite loud."

"........." All-Might.

All-Might had told Mineta many things about his Quirk, from how he inherited it from someone and also his nemesis All-For-One. However, the most shocking one was the fact Shigaraki Tomura was the grandson of the previous generation of One-For-All.

Mineta had to say All-Might was really hated by All-For-All since this big villain would do everything to spit on All-Might. Even the All-For-One had to make Shigaraki into his inheritor and a big villain that would destroy anything. He wasn't sure how All-Might felt, and he didn't care much, but he showed a cornered expression. "I am sure that he is forced."

"Thank you, but I have seen the eyes of that boy, and I know that he is a villain. Also, All-For-One has been caught, and the next should be your generation."

"You don't need to worry. I will catch all of them." Mineta nodded at All-Might's words and said, "This peace... I won't let them destroy it."


All-Might stared at Mineta for a while before he took a deep breath and said, "Mineta-boy, do you want to become my inheritor?" While he had to apologize to Midoriya, peace in this country was at stake.

If Midoriya could show his worth, then it was okay.

Even if Midoriya wasn't good, All-Might wouldn't say anything, but when he heard Ibara's words, everything changed. He felt that Midoriya was only an attention seeker.

Midoriya had always been known for failure, so he wanted to show everyone that even he, who was Quirkless, could also become a hero, yet that was the case, right? If he didn't receive a Quirk from All-Might, could he become a hero? No.

It might be cruel, but could someone without a Quirk fight Mineta, Hokusai, or All-For-One?

Heck, they might not be able to do well against those small fries since, without a Quirk, they could only rely on something else, which made them weak when they couldn't rely on anything.

Midoriya might have moved him before, but All-Might realized Midoriya was nothing but stupid.

If Midoriya was strong and could show his worth, everything would be okay, but All-Might had been disappointed in Midoriya many times, and when he knew Midoriya was the one that caused Mineta to be caught, his patience had already gone.

All-Might knew he was being cruel, but he also didn't want to see Midoriya die since, in the future, the villains that everyone had to face were even more dangerous, especially Hokusai, who was as manipulative and cruel as All-For-One.

So, All-Might decided to bet everything on All-Might since he believed that Mineta could make this country to become peaceful and erase the fear of everyone in their every day, becoming the next symbol of peace.



"Sorry, I have to refuse."


All-Might was dumbfounded, then he quickly asked, "Why? Why don't you want to?"

"It's a hassle."

".........." All-Might.

"I know that this answer might surprise you, but I am not as great as you have imagined. I can't give my everything, abandon my family and the rest, so I can help everyone. I have many people that I love, and this is my weakness. By inheriting your power, I might be able to become your inheritor, I might be able to become stronger, but in the end, I am alone..."


"Yes." Mineta looked in the distance and said, "I know that it might be strange for me to say this, but while it is important to become strong since a certain villain can't be defeated with just a mouth or a group of people, I can't do it like you. More importantly, I don't want to. Instead of carrying all the burden myself and sacrificing all the people I care about. Some people might be able to do it, but I am sorry, All-Might. I can't do it."

"Mineta-boy... I..." All-Might couldn't say anything since he knew how heavy the burden was when one became the symbol of peace. It was so heavy that one couldn't even have to rest or even create a bond with someone. It was a lonely path, and he was about to force it on someone.

"Also, you have an inheritor already, right?"

"What? How did you know?"

"Did you forget that you talk with All-For-One before?"

".........." All-Might.

"It's Midoriya, huh? Well, if it's him, he can throw his life to become a symbol of peace. You have found the right inheritor."

All-Might could only laugh awkwardly at this moment, but he knew that Mineta was right. If the inheritor that he wanted to get was someone that could be like him, who could throw everything away in order to make everyone live in peace, then Midoriya was the right person, yet in his heart, to be honest, he wanted Mineta to inherit his power since he knew even if Mineta didn't abandon everything, Mineta should be able to maintain the peace of this country.

How can you be so sure? It's all his guts, and he believes in his guts.

"Mineta-boy, it is okay if you don't answer me, but do you have a goal, Mineta-boy?" All-Might asked.

"Goal?" Mineta thought for a moment and said, "Nothing much. I only want a peaceful life where no one is worried about being attacked by villains. That's all."

His goal was simple, yet because of this simplicity All-Might knew that it was hard, yet he smiled and said, "I believe you can do so."

"Haha..." Mineta only laughed and said, "By the way, don't tell Midoriya about our conversation, okay, and don't let him know I know you have inherited your Quirk from him."

"Huh? Why?" All-Might asked.

"It's troublesome."


All-Might wasn't sure what to say at the moment, but he knew that he needed to talk with Midoriya since he was afraid sooner or later, Midoriya might do something stupid again.

As their talk finished, All-Might decided to stay for a night, and along with the passage of time, finally, it was Mineta's time to move to the dorm.


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