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When his words fell, everyone was dumbfounded.



They didn't expect this answer at all!

After all, he was so brave, facing All-For-One and Hokusai. He also stopped the bomb, which was enough to destroy anything in the one-kilometer radius!

No one had ever thought that someone like him would decide to stop from becoming a hero.

"Yo-You're going to stop from Yuuei?"

Mineta looked at his two teachers, who were dumbfounded, and asked, "Instead, what makes you think that I will stay? Do you know what kind of dangers I encountered during my stay in Yuuei? Not only once, but twice! I know that when I become a hero, this might be something normal since, as a hero, I know that I will face danger sooner or later, but... I didn't expect it to be so soon... and I also didn't expect that I would almost die, you know? If I am not strong enough back then..."

Everyone took it as something for granted that he wanted to become a hero and wouldn't stop to become one, but when one thought about it, one had to say his words were right.

During his stay in Yuuei, how many times has he almost died?

If he wasn't strong enough, could someone be so sure that he would stay alive?

Nezu and Recovery Lady, who listened to their conversation, also wanted to eat, especially when they heard how delicious their foods were, yet when they heard Mineta's words, all of them became quiet. They looked at each other and sighed.

In the end, while he was strong, he was just a normal human, but even so, his reaction was normal since he had almost died several times.

The first time was in a USJ incident when his body was smashed by Nomu, the second time was on the I-I island, and the third time was on the Kamina Ward incident.

With all of those experiences, if normal people heard it, they would look at him in amazement if he didn't stop.

Mineta thought for a moment and shut his mouth, but Ibara couldn't stay silent in this conversation and complained. "The other things aside, please do something about the cause of the last incident."

"Ibara!" Mineta wanted to remind her to keep quiet, but Ibara couldn't control her emotion.

"Minoru, let me say this since it will be terrible if someone doesn't even know how to take responsibility after what has happened before."

Even if Mineta was a bastard, she still loved him, and it was impossible to see him being endangered like that again like before, especially those two guys. If they were able to get out unscathed without receiving a punishment.

Aizawa flinched, and he lowered his head.

"Last time? What if that didn't happen? What do you mean?"

Except for Aizawa and a few students, no one really knew what was happening since Aizawa and Vlad had told this matter to be a secret, but Mineta still held a grudge.

If those two didn't appear, would anything happen?

"What do you mean?" The madam president also asked.

"It's okay." Mineta didn't really want to explain, but Aizawa said, "No, it's okay, Mineta. Let me explain."

Aizawa sighed and knew that he had to tell everything since the madam president was also involved. "It's my fault. I didn't educate my students enough."

To be honest, with how strong Mineta was, it should be impossible for him to be caught.

While many people wanted him to become the next symbol of peace, it didn't mean everyone was happy. Many were also dissatisfied, especially those heroes who had been working for so long. While they knew that Mineta was strong, his experience as a hero was just zero.

How could a kid who knew nothing become a symbol of peace?

Naturally, this was only a minority, but even if it was only a minority, many also started to ask, since with how strong he was, how could he be caught?

There were many doubts, but one thing was for sure, it was suppressed, and many people also helped him, drowning those bad comments.

To be honest, among those who helped him to clear up those bad rumors, he was surprised to know Monoma was there, which made him a bit speechless, wondering whether this guy was really hostile toward him.

Still, Aizawa knew that he had to explain everything, so he explained to them what had happened and the reason why Mineta was caught.

Hearing the reason, all of them fell into silence.

The madam president nodded and made a simple calculation on her heart. Even if Mineta didn't want to become a symbol of peace, she had to clear up his name and his reputation.

However, All-Might, who heard it, clenched his fists tightly, and strangely enough, he was furious.

"However, everything is okay, so I won't hold a grudge, but with all of this which happened, do you think I should continue to study in Yuuei?"


They were silent and couldn't say anything.

"Well, I will continue, though."


Everyone was in a daze and didn't know what to say at that moment.

"...are you serious?" Aizawa asked quietly and hesitantly, which was so unlike him, who had always been cold, concise, and efficient.

"Why are you being so creepy now, Sensei?"

"...." Aizawa.

"As I have decided to walk on this path, I know what kind of danger I will face."

His words were clear, and there was no doubt as if he was prepared for everything.


Everyone's eyes changed, and they were amazed by this young man.

"Mineta-kun, do you want to become the next symbol of peace?" Madam president suddenly asked.


Everyone suddenly became quiet and looked at the madam president dumbfoundedly.


What were you saying so suddenly?

Why had it become like this?

Also, was it possible for the Hero Public Safety Commission to make someone into a symbol of peace?

The answer was yes.

While it might seem strange, it was possible.

After all, the Hero Public Safety Commission was made by the government.

The government wanted stability as soon as possible, so making Mineta into the next symbol of peace was the best thing to do.

Naturally, there might be resistance, but could an individual or a few groups of people fight against a country?

More importantly, with his might and what he had done in the Kamino Ward, even if there was resistance in the beginning, all of them would be drowned by his power.

Still, if it was before, the madam president might be thinking that Mineta was still young, but after hearing his words, she knew that he was mature and he was ready. Lastly, she also felt that he had a heart for being a hero and had the power to become the next symbol of peace.

While the madam president was happy, Aizawa, All-Might, Nezu, and Recovery Lady frowned since the madam president had gone overboard!

Mineta might have the power to become a number one hero, but for suddenly telling him to become the next symbol of peace... by this point, they were afraid that Mineta might agree impulsively since they knew how hot and naive the young was. They didn't know about the reality and the cruelty of society. Lastly, they didn't want to see him hurt because of the media and the like.

"Sorry, I have to refuse."

Mineta refused without hesitation.

"Huh? Why? Don't you think that it is amazing? The next symbol of peace, you have the power to become one, and we, the Hero Public Safety Commission, can help you to achieve that position."

"Madam president, I think that you have made a mistake."

"Mistake?" The madam president was confused.

"With your support, I know that it will be easy for me to become the next All-Might, but let me remind you that the symbol of peace isn't a trophy that you can give to anyone as long as you say you want to. After all, you don't become a symbol of peace because the country acknowledges so, right? Instead, it is the one that is acknowledged by everyone that becomes the symbol of peace."

With his last sentence, he threw a warm yet lazy smile at the madam president, which caused her to look away with a blush somehow.

"...." Mineta.


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