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The interview continued for a while, but most of them took a photo of them since he was simply so handsome. They were sure as long as they put his photo on the cover, they would be able to get a lot of sales from their magazines.

After all, while it was cruel, everyone loved a beautiful thing.

Still, he felt good that he had talked about all of this, but at the same time, he knew that it was his time to move. He had made his plan, and a small sacrifice was needed since he planned to lure out the person who had been hiding.

In his eyes, Shigaraki, Stain, or Kurogiri were nothing but small fries, and he was sure that someone was behind all of them. The person who manipulated all of them was like a marionette and stayed behind in a safe place where no one knew.

"You're amazing," Ryukyu said in amazement.

"This is nothing." His face was calm as if he had done nothing.

"...you sure talk big." Ryukyu was speechless.

"Isn't it? You should know what I am the best at, right?"

"..." Ryukyu was speechless. "Hurry up and leave!"

"Yes, yes." He didn't hesitate to leave since he was almost late for his appointment with Uraraka. "Senpai, Ryukyu, see you!"

"Bye-bye, Minoru!" Nejire waved her hand several times and shouted, "I will meet you at the school!"

"See you..." Ryukyu said quietly with a complicated gaze.

He only waved his hand without looking at them, leaving them. Still, he felt that they would meet soon, but before that, he was going to check his reward.

<As you have kissed Ryuko Tatsuma, you have received the "Alcohol Manipulation" ability (Expert)>


He wasn't sure whether this ability was good or not, but this ability could be combined with his "Pop Up."

So it should be a good ability.

Still, this ability was quite similar to the "Coffee Manipulation" he received in the past. He was able to make alcohol like wine, vodka, sake, and many others as much as he wanted to. He could also add an effect on his alcohol, such as increasing his physical ability.

However, if he had to say the real ability of alcohol manipulation was drunk, flammable, and addictive.

The drunk was clear since one would be drunk as long as one drank too much alcohol.

Having this ability, he could make anyone drunk easily.

As for flammable, he could burn down the alcohol, creating an intense flame that could burn anything.

He might not have a flame ability, but it was different now since he had a "Dragon" ability, which gave him the ability to control an element, including flame.

However, the most dangerous thing about this ability was an addiction.

There were many alcohol addictions, but this ability was even more serious since as long as one tasted his alcohol, they would be addicted, and they would do anything to get his alcohol. He also had "Brewery (Master)," which enabled him to optimize this ability even more.

Suddenly, he thought that if he made Nezu addicted to his alcohol, he would do anything with Nezu's money, authority, and influence. It made him realize how he had underestimated this ability.

Even in the myth, there were many gods which were related to alcohol.

If someone could become a god because of alcohol, one could tell how powerful this ability was, right?

As he was thinking about this ability, he heard a shout.

"Mineta-kun! Hurry up! You're almost late!"

Uraraka panicked, and when she saw him, she quickly dashed toward him. She used her ability on him without hesitation, making him weightless, and dragged him toward the train.


He was speechless since he didn't even have time to say anything.

"Ouch! Ouch! Uraraka, you hold my wounded hand!"


Uraraka stopped and quickly realized that she was holding his hand, which was wrapped in a bandage.

"I'm sorry! Are you alright? You're not hurt, right?"

She panicked. Naturally, she knew that he was attacked by Stain, the Hero Killer.

"I am okay. Let's enter the train first."

"Sorry!" Uraraka felt depressed, wondering why she had always messed up.

The two quickly found their seats and sat down.

"Is your hand alright?"

"I am okay. Sorry for making you wait. A group of reporters suddenly came and stopped me."

"I-I see... I am sorry..."

"It's okay. It's also my fault for being late." He caressed Uraraka's head gently with his left hand. He had to say that this feeling was quite nostalgic. Her auburn brown hair had a smell of the sun, which was fresh and cheered anyone who smelled the scent.

Uraraka blushed and felt quite embarrassed since her hair was being gently brushed by his fingers. It was embarrassing, yet it felt good.

The two happened to stare at each other, and they felt time stopped for a moment.

Why was my face hot?

She lost her calm, and she could feel that her heart was beating so fast that she couldn't hear anything except for her heartbeat. It might be her imagination, but why did she feel his lips were so seductive?

Would it feel good to be kissed by those lips?


She subconsciously gulped her saliva before she shook her head on her inner mind.

Why had it become like this?

Had she become such a lewd girl?

He only caressed her hair like before, yet why did she feel like this?

She struggled inside, but he was the one who broke the silence. "By the way, how is your internship, Uraraka?"

"Oh! My internship is awesome! I learned Gunhead Martial Art!"

Uraraka wasn't sure, but she felt slightly disappointed. However, she also knew that it was her chance to escape from her dirty thoughts, so she quickly told her experience during her internship at Gunhead's office.

'Martial art, huh?'

He didn't look down on Uraraka, who learned martial art, but he also wondered whether he should enhance his fighting ability by buying a martial art skill.

'If so, what martial art?'

However, he decided to think about this matter later. He gazed into Uraraka, who talked excitedly, and realized that she had never talked about Iida or Midoriya from the moment they met.

'Even though the two of them were also attacked by Stain.'

He knew that Uraraka had taken an interest in him, and he could even see that she wanted to kiss him, but he loved to tease this girl. He was also quite picky about the place, and the more she experienced everything about him, the more she realized how bastard he was, but by then, it would be impossible for her to escape.

"By the way, how was your experience? Also, how was Stain attacking you?"

When Uraraka finished her story, she asked about him since she had been curious about this matter. Leaving Midoriya and Iida aside, she felt that Mineta's case was more important.

He didn't mind telling her since he knew what he should say and what he shouldn't say, but he said, "I will tell you later. I want to go to the toilet first."

"Do you need help?" Uraraka quickly said.


Mineta looked at Uraraka, and somehow he felt dejavu.

By now, he realized the seeds that he had spread in the past had grown, and he could pick them anytime.

Even if he didn't receive an "Agriculture (Mastery)," he realized he had become a seasoned farmer.



I think jeet kune do would be cool