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"Why are you here, Tatsuma-san? Don't you have a date with your boyfriend?" He asked curiously since he thought Ryukyu was going to stay with her boyfriend until tomorrow.

"Don't mention him!" Ryukyu snorted and felt annoyed by her boyfriend since even if they had made an appointment, he suddenly told her that he had an urgent with his job and they couldn't meet each other.

When she heard it, she exploded before she walked to her office again while drinking alcohol. Her body was hot since she thought that they were ready to do it, but her boyfriend was such a letdown, which made her depressed.

When Mineta mentioned her boyfriend, she couldn't help but get annoyed.

"Sit down first, Tatsuma-san. Here is the water. Drink first. You're drunk, right?"

Ryukyu didn't fight back and sat on his side. She also drank the water given to her, but then she was dumbfounded when he gave her a massage.

"Did it feel good?"

"...it feels good."

She almost moaned, especially when her body was so hot, but she had to say his massage was good.

He didn't buy a massage mastery, but it was just something that he learned when he tried to give a massage to Kendo and Ibara when they were tired after serving him. It was just an experience that he had accumulated for a while.

While it wasn't listed in the system, he felt that his massage skills should be around the peak of beginner mastery. It was almost intermediate mastery, which was why it was so good, especially with the help of his "Ultimate Eyes," he could see which parts that gave the best reaction.



He stared at her for a while before he continued without saying anything. Still, he had to say the scent on her body was nice and he could also see her black bra through the gap of her hoodie.

'Is she ready for that?'

His expression was subtle since he knew that she should be unsatisfied now.

Ryukyu was embarrassed and didn't dare to look at him. "By-By the way, where is Nejire?"

"She is sleeping. Her stomach hurts." He sighed when he thought about Nejire. She had eaten so much with him and hurt her stomach, so he could buy medicine and help her to go back by piggybacking her.

When they arrived, he brought her to her room, and she also slept directly.


Ryukyu was speechless, but then she asked, "Do you have an older sister, Mineta?"

"No. I am a single child." He looked at her curiously and asked, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, you're so good at taking care of someone, I thought that you have an older sister or something." She glanced at him with a complicated gaze, then asked, "Or do you have an older girlfriend?"

"Why an older girlfriend?"

"Well, you seem so used to taking care of someone drunk."

"No, I don't have an older girlfriend, and you're the first drunk person that I have taken care of."


Ryukyu should feel happy, but she felt conflicted.


She let out a sigh and wanted to lean on him somehow since it was just comfortable.

"I don't have an older girlfriend, but I have a girlfriend, though."

"....." Ryukyu.

"Done." He patted her shoulder before he continued to do what he was doing. He took his smartphone and chatted with his girlfriends for a while.

While Ryukyu felt disappointed since he didn't give her a massage again, she looked at him curiously and couldn't help but smile, trying to tease him.

"Who is that? Your girlfriend?" She asked him curiously. Anyway, there were only the two of them, and the rest was already sleeping. She was also curious about him since, without a doubt, if someone asked, who was the most famous student in the Yuuei, it would be him.

Why was he the most famous?

Was it because he had won the championship?

It was part of the reason, but more importantly, he was handsome. That was the main point.

Everyone loved beautiful things, after all.

"Yes." He nodded before he put down his smartphone on the table.

"So, at what stage have you been with your girlfriend?" Ryukyu asked with a mischievous smile.

"At what stage?"

"I mean, have you kissed each other?" Ryukyu asked with a laugh, trying to tease him.


"Oh? You haven't kissed each other?" Ryukyu sighed as she nudged his side. "You should work harder, young man."

"No, you misunderstood."


"We have passed the kissing stage. We have sex with each other almost every day."

"..........." Ryukyu was dumbfounded and blushed. "Wh-What?"

"We have sex."

"Oh-Oh..." Ryukyu lowered her head for a moment before she glanced at him unnaturally.

"Why are you so shy?" He asked helplessly.

"I... I mean... I didn't expect that you would tell me the truth..." Ryukyu felt that her heart was beating so fast, but then, she asked, "Er... you almost do it every day?"

"We did." He sighed and said, "I want to do it every day, but she can't do it."


"She was exhausted."

"........." Ryukyu didn't know what to say, but her expression was quite subtle. She wasn't sure whether it was the effect of alcohol, she was just horny, or because his appearance was just her type, but she asked, "So you're quite pent up now?"

"Well... it's tough." He nodded with a sigh since he did it almost every day with his girlfriends. Over the weekday, he did a rotation between Reiko and Kendo. Hagakure also helped him with her hands and mouth. On the weekend, Ibara took care of him.

In other words, he did it every day.

However, he didn't do it during the internship, so it made him quite restless, especially with Nejire always touching him in many places and never thinking about how close their distance was. Honestly, he hoped that she understood that she had such a seductive body that could tempt anyone, and he was afraid that he couldn't control his body.


Ryukyu's face was so red that she didn't dare to look at him, but she had a complicated gaze since this guy was a student and a candidate for a hero, so shouldn't he be more reserved and pure?

Yet she also didn't blame him since he was a young man, and she also felt it was normal for two lovers to have sex since she was also the same, but it made her jealous since when her girlfriend would be done by him almost every day, here she might only be able to meet her boyfriend twice or once in a month.

She knew that he was busy, but they rarely met each other, so shouldn't he work harder, so they could meet each other?

"How about you?"


"Well, you met your boyfriend, right? I am sure that you have..."

He didn't continue since he could see how gloomy she was.

"That bastard, he promised me to come, yet he broke his promise!"

Finally, Ryukyu couldn't control it anymore, and like a broken dam, all the annoying feelings in her heart flooded out. She felt annoyed, but at the same time, she thought about Mineta's words. She looked at him and gulped, feeling that her body was so hot that she couldn't think straight. It was only a whim, but she decided to ask, "Say, Mineta."


"Do you want us to help each other?"



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