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"You're finally here. If you make me wait again, the tea will get cold," Ryukyu said helplessly, but then she saw that Nejire's expression was a bit strange since her face was quite reddened.

"What's wrong, Nejire-chan? Your face is red. Did you catch a cold?"

"No! No! I am alright!" Nejire shook her head furiously. After all, how could she tell Ryukyu that she had seen him naked?

She was the wrong one too, but she had to say her heart was beating so fast. Even if her friend often got naked and showed his butts to her, she didn't feel anything, yet when she saw him, she felt that her heart almost burst out, wondering what was wrong with her.

Usually, she would ask this question to someone, but she felt this wasn't something that she should talk about with someone.

"...really?" Ryukyu looked at Nejire in doubt before she looked at Mineta. She thought Nejire's weirdness had something to do with him, so she wanted to question him, but the change in his appearance surprised her. "Huh? The color of your hair and eyes has changed!"

"That's right! That's right! Ryukyu, Minoru is awesome! He can change the color of his hair and eyes!"

Unlike before, his purple hair had changed into a neon pink.

If it was another color, Ryukyu might have been surprised, but this pink color was really surprising.


"I will talk slowly, but can you tell me what I need to watch out for and what I am doing to do with my internship?"

"Sure." Ryukyu nodded with a gentle smile. "Let's talk while we eat."

"Yahoo~!" Nejire cheered happily.

Meanwhile, Ryukyu and Mineta looked at this girl helplessly.

While her appearance was a bit punk, especially when she had a lot of piercings on her ears, Ryukyu was so gentle. Even if Nejire ate happily, she talked with him gently while doting Nejire. However, she had to say that Mineta's ability was amazing since it was a perfect "Quirk" to catch someone. His "Quirk" also wouldn't hurt anyone since it only worked like glue.

What was even more amazing, the color of his substance could change into many colors.

"I see. Your "Quirk" is a mutant type. That's why you can change the color of your body."

Ryukyu nodded since she had misunderstood the type of his "Quirk."

"Yes." To be honest, he was tired of explaining his "Quirk," so if possible, he wanted her to explain what he was going to do on this internship.

"Okay, let's talk about what you are going to do in your internship."


"You will do nothing."

Mineta stared at Ryukyu for a moment before he nodded. "Okay."

"Oh? You're not going to ask anything?" Ryukyu looked at him curiously since his reaction wasn't something that she had expected. In her mind, she thought that he would be dumbfounded before he complained, but why was he so calm?

"I think that it is better for me to do nothing. I don't have any experience, and I also don't have a hero license to do anything. If I do something, I might cause you trouble. Instead, can I observe your job? My reason for choosing you as a place for an internship is to observe how you work."

Ryukyu looked at him helplessly and asked, "Are you really a high school student? Why are you so mature?"

"I don't know what kind of picture that you get from a high school student, but Nejire-senpai is definitely a minority. You can't picture that everyone in high school is like her."

Then the two looked at Nejire, who ate the sweets happily before she looked at the two.

"Ryukyu, Minoru, do you want to eat too?"

"It's okay." 2x

Ryukyu and Mineta looked at each other and smiled wrily.

"Don't underestimate her. She might seem like a child, but her power is undoubted. You can learn a lot from her," Ryukyu said since she felt worried that Mineta might look down on Nejire.

"I won't do something like that. She can be part of the Big Three on the Yuuei. Naturally, I understand that there is a reason for that."

Why should he look down on Nejire?

Also, instead of looking down on her, he might push her down.

"That's good." Ryukyu sighed in relief, then asked, "By the way, there's something that I want to ask you."

"If I can answer your question, I will be more than happy."

"Why did you choose me? Wasn't there a better hero than me?" Ryukyu might seem humble, but she also had inferiority, especially toward those heroes who ranked better than her.

Nejire was dumbfounded and wanted to say something, but she was still eating, so the sweets stuck in her throat!

"Cough! Cough!"

"Senpai, here's a tea."

Nejire quickly accepted the tea given by Mineta before she sighed in relief and wanted to tell Ryukyu that she was the best, but before she said anything, Mineta beat him first.

"What are you saying, Ryukyu? I chose you before I knew that among all the heroes in this country, you're the best for me to teach you under. There might be some heroes that are better than you, but for me, you're the best."

"Tha-Thanks..." Ryukyu blushed and felt a little embarrassed.

"That's right! Ryukyu is the best!" Nejire got up from her seat and hugged Ryukyu as if trying to reassure her.

"Thank you." Ryukyu showed a gentle smile as she patted Nejire's head.


He was silent since he hoped that they weren't "yuri."

'No, I can't be too hasty.'

He would be here for a week and a week was quite long. During that time, he could do many things.

"Even if you might do nothing, I will teach you all I know, and you can also follow the patrol," Ryukyu said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ryukyu-san."

"Ryukyu is my hero's name. My real name is Ryuko Tatsuma. You can call me by my real name when we're not in public, Mineta-kun."

"Okay, Tatsuma-san."

"By the way, what's your hero's name? If we're on patrol, we should call each other by using our hero's name since we need privacy and all. Also, don't use my real name when we're on patrol, okay?"

"You don't need to worry. I won't do that, Tatsuma-san."

He wanted to tell his hero's name, but Nejire interrupted him suddenly.

"Oh, by the way, my hero's name is Nejire-chan!"


"Yes! Nejire-chan!"


Mineta looked at Ryukyu, who gave him a helpless nod.

"Hey, hey, what's your name, Minoru? Hurry up and tell me!" Nejire walked to Mineta and shook his body several times, begging him to tell her.

"I am going to tell you. You don't need to shake my body like that."

Mineta held her hand to stop him from shaking his body.

"Um! Um! What's your hero's name?" Nejire waited with excitement.

"My hero's name is Eutass Kidd. You can call me Kidd."

"Kidd! That's an interesting name!" Nejire beamed happily.

"Okay, Kidd. I will take note of that." Ryukyu also nodded.

"By the way, after we eat sweets, are we going to do something?"

"Oh? Why do you think so?"

"You tell me to change into a hero's costume after all."

"That's true." Ryukyu smiled and said, "I will take you on patrol now. It's your first time, right? Are you excited?"

Was he excited that his first time was taken by Ryukyu?

He wasn't sure, but it felt conflicted when he knew that he wasn't her first, yet it was okay since it felt like he was being taken care of by an experienced older sister, which made him kind of excited.

However, he knew that what he was thinking and what Ryukyu meant were different.

"Please take care of me, Ryukyu-san."

"Your response isn't cute." Ryukyu pouted. "You should be more like a high school student, you know?"

"As I have said before, Nejire-senpai is a minority among high school students."

Nejire looked at the two and said, "You two seem so close."

The two looked at each other and smiled, yet she didn't know that his smile contained a different meaning.


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