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"Bye, Mineta-kun! Do your best!"

Uraraka waved her hand cheerfully.

"You too."

He waved his hand and showed a gentle expression.

While they had an internship on the same ward, their destination was different, so they went separate ways after they arrived at the station.

Still, unlike Uraraka, who went to Gunhead's office immediately, he went to visit a famous pastry shop in Shinjuku. Naturally, as he walked, he became the center of attention, and many crashed into each other since they were all looking at him.

Even when he wanted to enjoy the sweets, many were looking at him and also entered the shop to buy the sweets and looked at him.

Frankly, this was a troublesome situation.

Fortunately, he became invisible, so everything was alright. Still, he bought a dozen sweets before he walked toward Ryukyu's hero office. Naturally, he walked while he activated his invisibility since he didn't really want to attract that much attention.

As he walked, he finally arrived at Ryukyu's hero office.

'Her office is big.'

If this was the countryside, he wouldn't say anything since if one wanted, they could build a mansion.

However, this was Tokyo!

The land price in this country was hell, but Ryukyu was able to have an office in this area, and it was quite big too.

While it wasn't as big as the office of All-Might or Endeavor since their office was practically a skyscraper, it was already huge enough.

The building had a square shape with a gigantic photo of Ryukyu in stylish clothes. She seemed like a model in the picture with a sharp contour and strangely attractive appearance.


<Ryuko Tatsumaki>

<Charm: 7>



He looked at the entrance of the office, which gave off an Okinawa-style like design, before he entered without hesitation with a gentle expression on his face.

"Excuse me. My name is Mineta Minoru. I will have an internship in your office today. Please take care of me, and thank you for giving me a nomination."


"Hey, hey, Ryukyu, are you going to accept an intern?"


Ryukyu was in her office, waiting for the student that was going to have an internship at her office. When she looked at him on the screen, especially on the final, even though she didn't really invite an opposite gender to work in her hero's office, she thought to invite him since she felt she could help him with the work.

However, when she knew that many heroes, including Hawk and Endeavor, had invited him to the internship, she didn't have confidence that she was going to accept her invitation.

Yet unexpectedly, she didn't expect that he would accept and asked to have an internship in her office, which greatly surprised her.


That was the question on her mind.

After all, compared to others, while she wasn't bad, she wasn't the best.

Unlike the others, he could have had a chance to have an internship with the number two or three heroes in this country, yet he chose her.

This made her confused and was also quite curious why he decided to choose her.

Naturally, she held onto her work for a while and waited for him to appear since she was going to welcome him.

While it wasn't her first time accepting an internship from a student, it was her first time accepting an opposite gender, so she was quite nervous. She had talked about this with her boyfriend, and he also thought that it was a good thing for her to accept Mineta's internship since Mineta's potential was clear to all, and once he graduated, it wouldn't be weird for him to enter the top ten of Hero Billboard Chart JP.

This was her secret, but she had a boyfriend. However, her boyfriend wasn't a hero. Instead, he was just a normal civilian, so they kept their relationship a secret since she didn't want trouble to come to visit her boyfriend.

Being a hero was a dangerous job, so naturally, she kept most of her private life a secret.

Well, partly because she was also a celebrity and had male fans, so when they knew that she had a boyfriend, she was afraid that they might send a knife to her boyfriend.

"You might know him since he is also from Yuuei."

"Eh? Really? Who? Who? Tell me, Ryukyu!"

The girl, who was also an intern at Ryukyu's office, asked Ryukyu curiously. Her way of asking was like a child who begged her parents to buy a snack or toy when they walked around the department store.

Some people might be annoyed, but Ryukyu didn't feel so. Instead, she smiled gently and patted this girl's head. "Be patient. He should arrive soon."

"Excuse me. My name is Mineta Minoru. I will have an internship in your office today. Please take care of me, and thank you for giving me a nomination."

"Oh, that's him."

Ryukyu looked at the entrance of her office and was stunned for a while before she shook her head, thinking he was more handsome in reality. However, it seemed that her decision to nominate him for her office was right since he could tell that he was such a good boy.


While Mineta came to Ryukyu's hero office, at the same time, in the dilapidated bar, there was a certain unexpected meeting.

Kurogori and Shigaraki looked at the man that had been on the trending topic of the news lately.

The man was dirty, unkempt, like a vagabond.

No, this man was a vagabond.

The man was dressed in nothing but bandages around his body, long pants, and boots. His face was hardly seen since covering his face with a bandage, but parts of his skin were shown showing an ugly and dirty face.

Yet, unlike his appearance, his eyes were sharp like a blade on his hands, and they seemed ready to strike down whenever the time came.

The Hero Killer, Stain.

This was the name given by the people to this man.

This name was given to his actions that had killed several heroes.

"Ha? You want me to join your little gang?" Stain asked.

"Of course, it would be helpful if we could have the help of a "great senpai" with us," Shigaraki asked.

"...what's your goal?"

"First of all, we want to kill All-Might, then we're going to destroy everything that isn't to our liking." Shigaraki then showed several pictures of students of Class 1-A and said, "Like those."

"Ha? What's the use of bloodlust without a cause?! You're the type of guy that I hate the most!" Stain snorted at Shigaraki's childish thoughts. However, his eyes suddenly focused on one of the photos.

However, no one seemed to notice Stain's eyes, and Kurogiri was afraid that they might fight each other.

"I will think about it if you can find me this kid."

"This kid?"

They were all looking at the photo pointed out by Stain, which showed the photo of the most handsome student among all the photos.

Stain then took out a dirty and thrown newspaper that he had kept for quite a while before he showed it to everyone.

However, everyone could see clearly the headline of the news in the newspaper.

<A famous All-Tuber and a hero? The famous championship of the Sports Festival!>

"Such an existence is nothing but a heresy in the hero society. The word "hero" has to be changed even if I have to pull it from the bud."

His voice was full of bloodlust toward this young man who made the meaning of hero impure.



Can’t wait for Mineta to style on Stain