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As the battle between the Crimson Princess and the Sakra ended, everyone was still in a daze since they realized how amazing it was the fact that they could stay alive until now. Still, one thing was for sure that battle might not be able to be copied by anyone, and they were sure that the two of them were the strongest Blazers in this world.

As for the damage caused by their battle, no one said anything.

Well, some wanted to say it, but could they dare to say it?

If they didn't want to die, they had to shut their mouths. The only fortunate thing was that Kurono helped to return everything to how it used to be with her ability.

While everything was being repaired, Tsukasa and Stella talked to each other. They were waiting for the award ceremony.

"You were too reckless."

"I know."

Stella also let out a long sigh, reflecting on her mistake. It was fortunate that someone could stop her. If he couldn't stop her, then this country might become a ruin.


She kissed his lips with a deep kiss.

"......" Tsukasa.

When they parted, she was still in a daze and wanted to do it again, but he stopped her. "Stop! Stop! We can do it later at night."

"Okay." She was reluctant, but she nodded. After that battle, she knew that she had been dominated by him, and in her heart, there was no space for others except for him. She wanted him, even if he couldn't be hers alone.

"By the way, what did you do before our final?"

"Sleep." He didn't lie since he was really sleeping, but someone accompanied him.

"Hmm..." She looked at him suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

"I know you didn't lie, but who were you sleeping with?"


It seemed Stella had become smarter after this battle.

"Hmm? Who?"

She kept pressing him and even put her face against his. She clearly wouldn't let him go until she told her honestly.


"...the strongest swordsman in the world?"



She was in a daze before she let out a long sigh. "Do you think she will agree with you having so many girls?"

"........" Tsukasa.

"Well, for now, I believe that I can defeat Edelweiss." Stella didn't lie since she believed that she could win against Edelweiss.

"My girlfriend is really reliable." He kissed her cheek, which made her smile happily. Still, he let out a long sigh inwardly, thinking that all of his girlfriends were dangerous. Their power, connection, authority, or anything wasn't something that normal people could think of. He knew that they were all proud daughters of heaven, and it was lucky of him that he could date all of them peacefully.

'Unlike my previous life...'

When he thought about his previous life, he could see how horrible it was. He had been playing with them and didn't really get serious. They were there because having girls by his side made him comfortable, and he didn't really love them. However, in this world, it was different.

Even if the world might sanction or want to do something to Stella, he was going to protect her.

"I will protect you."

He kissed her forehead and said those words gently.


Stella snuggled by his side. Unfortunately, their time together was quite short since everyone also joined.

"He-Hey, can you give us more time together?!"


They were all so jealous, watching the two of them, so naturally, they were going to join.

He could only show a helpless expression before he noticed a gaze on him.

'Come here.'

However, this person didn't seem ready to join and hid again.

He shook his head and thought he shouldn't be in a hurry since the time was long.

Then, it was time for the award ceremony.

While everyone was excited, Kurono lay exhaustedly on the chair. Her expression was full of resentment, but at the same time, she was also proud since her students had dominated the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival. While she knew there might be trouble in the future, she would help them, even though she knew they could take care of themselves.

"Now, let us welcome the champion of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival! Hagun Academy, Sakra, Kugayama Tsukasa!"

As he walked into the podium, many eyes were on him, watching the strongest among everyone.

Ikki Kurogane, Yuudai Moroboshi, and many others were looking at his figure and couldn't help but sigh, wondering whether they could chase after him. However, even if they felt the chance was small and almost helpless, they wouldn't give up. They believed as long as they were working harder, they could win.

Tsukasa didn't know what they were thinking, but he had to say he was moved after he won this event. All of his opponents were strong, and each of them wouldn't be weird to become champion, but he was able to win. Still, he knew that he could become even stronger. No, he had to become stronger since no one in this place would stop themselves from becoming stronger. They would all work hard to become stronger.

'Now, I wonder where should I go?'

He saw that he could go to the new world and was quite excited since he knew that he could become even stronger.


"Thank you."

He received the trophy and raised it high, causing everyone to applaud and cheer his name loudly. He knew he should be happy, but his mood was quite complicated because of the sudden text on his phone.


"Why did you call me here?" He asked helplessly. It was at night, right at the end of the award ceremony. He thought that all of his girlfriends would celebrate the night with him. Unfortunately, they were all telling him to go out to meet all of them.

"Huh? Edelweiss?"

He was dumbfounded when he saw Edelweiss with all of them. What even shocked him, he also saw Kagami Kusakabe and Ayase Ayatsuji, who showed an awkward expression and were also determined, along with some mischievous smiles.

Meanwhile, Edelweiss showed an awkward expression before turning firm.

"You just slept with her yesterday, right?" Nene asked with a snort.


Tsukasa was speechless, but he nodded awkwardly. "...un."

"......." Everyone thought that this guy really couldn't control his lower body.

"Okay, how about we settle this."

"Settle what?"

"We'll accept all of your women, but you have to do something for us."


"Do you agree?" Touka asked since he was silent.

"Don't you all have accepted your relationship?" Tsukasa asked helplessly.

"This and that is different!"


"I don't want to fight with all of you..." He used his coaxing skill, so they would change their decision.

Many were moved, but others quickly reminded them.

"Don't be fooled by his appearance! Once you give up, you will be under his claws, being dominated by him!" Stella shouted.

However, those words backfired since they didn't really mind being dominated by him.

"Also, if it's fighting, don't you remember before? We have destroyed a lot of things. Vermillion Kingdom might go bankrupt to help you to repay all the damage that you have caused."

"......" Stella.

Vermillion Kingdom wasn't a rich country. It might be good and peaceful, but everyone's economic condition was quite average. They weren't bad, but they weren't that good either. Their main income came from natural gas, but it wasn't that much.

"Then, let's change the content and the place where we fight." Nene suddenly smiled.

"Huh? Are we still fighting?"

"Of course!"

Nene coughed, then said, "Let's go to your bed. Let's settle the fight there. If you can defeat all of us, we won't care if you add other women."


He was silent and watched their reaction, who showed a blushed yet determined expression.

Was this the ending that he wanted?

He wasn't sure, but it worked for him.

"I hope you won't regret your decision."

"Oh? Are you the confidence to defeat all of us?"

"We're not weak!"

"We'll dry until you become a shriveled husk!"

It was impossible to stop their battle.

Whether he would dominate all of them or he would be defeated by them.

Yet he knew this wouldn't be the end of their battle, and they would continue to have a showdown to show who was the strongest.

Even so, he wouldn't back down and dominate all of them.

However, leaving all those matters aside, he had to win them tonight.

He took a deep breath and said, "Come on!"

Let's go ahead!


Thank you!

This is the end of this novel. 

While many still want me to continue, I feel that this is enough. As expected, there are many things that I am dissatisfied with in this novel, and it is amazing that I can still continue to write this novel, knowing that the result isn't that good. 

Honestly, usually, I will write a few chapters before watching the reaction of the readers to see whether I should continue to write or not. However, for this one, I wrote so many chapters before I started to update it. 

Unfortunately, the result was far from satisfying.

However, I didn't regret writing this story since I learned a lot from writing this story. 

My experience in writing might have been quite long, but it seems there are many things that I need to learn. This story woke me up, and I am still learning now. 

Thank you to all of you who are reading this story. 

While it might make you sad, I am going to end this story.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you for supporting me!

I want to say more "thank you," but this is enough. 

Even if this novel ends, I still write "I Refuse to Become a Scumbag." As for "Living as Mineta is hard," I will upload them tomorrow. It is only 15 chapters, though.

However, please enjoy.  



Thx for chapter.🥹


Man, this is my favorite novel. I love how you do the battle scenes, it feels hot blooded. I hope that your new mha novel will have great fights like this. I have high expectations!


Thanks 🙏 its a good novel for me