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Touka didn't waste her time and struck him with thunder. However, she knew that it was impossible to defeat him, so when he was being attacked, she struck her attack!

Her body turned into lightning and she slashed her blade, thinking to defeat him in an instant. However, it wasn't the feeling of his body that she felt on her blade, but the sound of a metal collision was heard.


The impact of their blades echoed throughout the entire city and sent a gust of wind everywhere, almost blowing everyone.

If Kurono didn't strengthen the barrier, she was afraid that everyone might be hurt. Once again, she sighed at her students since almost all of them had a hobby of destroying a lot of things.

'If they are not my students, I really won't do this kind of job.'

She let out a long sigh and thought this kind of job was really exhausting, especially when the pay wasn't much. The only reason why she accepted this job was that her students participated in this event.

Still, while Kurono was in the middle of complaining, Touka and Tsukasa didn't stop their duel.

"How cruel, Touka-nee. I was almost dead, you know?" He let out a long sigh. Honestly, Touka's thunder didn't really do anything to him since he could smash it away with his fist. The only problem was Touka's blade since he had to say it was so fast. If his sense of smell couldn't read some of the future, he might be in trouble.

Fortunately, he could read the future, so he easily received Touka's blade.

Still, Touka's lips twitched, and she said, "Don't lie." She then disappeared, turned into lightning, and appeared behind him, stabbing her blade.

However, it was blocked by Tsukasa.

Yet her attacks didn't stop, she kept moving around from the back, front, left, right, and many other random directions with lightning speed. Her attacks were like a storm, hurling and trying to overwhelm him.

Even so, he stood still like a mountain. No matter how many times he was attacked, he could readily deflect Touka's attacks.

Honestly, compared to Ikki, Touka's speed was even faster.

While Ikki's sword swing was faster, Touka's movement was faster since she was as fast as lightning.

Honestly, even if one had the ability to read the future, if their body couldn't react, then they were just dead.

Also, Touka's blade wasn't as simple as it seemed since each of her blades would send millions of volts of current into her opponents.

If Tsukasa didn't protect himself with his telekinesis, his body might be numb at this moment.

'Does she want to play an electric play?'

He had never tried it and didn't even have the interest in doing one, but when this match was over, he was going to do it until she was numb and she couldn't get up.

"Strong! So strong!"

While the host was excited, Yuuzou, who was known as Judgement of Thunder, was speechless by Touka's ability. Their abilities were similar since they were able to manipulate lightning, but Touka was better, which made him sigh, feeling that he was really old.

Still, no one really cared about the feeling of Yuuzou, and they couldn't take away their eyes from this battle, especially Ikki, Nangou, Nene, Edelweiss, Stella, and many others, who realized how amazing this battle was.

Both Touka and Tsukasa were strong.

Touka's speed was fast, and when she attacked him with her blade, she kept sending a bolt of thunder one after another.

However, Tsukasa was stronger since his figure was stable and calm, and he had never seen panic. Whatever attacks were sent toward him, he could receive them and deflect them somewhere.

If Kurono didn't strengthen the barrier, the people in this place might have been charred into coke because of the thunder.

'If I am in his place, how should I defeat her?'

Ikki realized once again that even if he became a Desperado, his chance to win against Touka was quite limited. Still, if Tsukasa knew what he was thinking, he would say that the fate and protagonist aura would help him to win Touka.

'But he's really strong.'

Touka aside, Tsukasa was really strong, and Ikki understood why he had lost. His eyes didn't even blink, and he kept watching his fight, observing him and trying to master Tsukasa's swordsmanship. He knew that many people might think that he was just a cheap copy, but as the weakest, this was how he fought, and he wasn't going to stop.


Touka, who kept attacking Tsukasa, felt that this confrontation started to get meaningless, so she retreated.

"Thunder Beast!"

A giant wolf of lightning was sent into Tsukasa.

Tsukasa stopped his steps but just cut down this beast in half.

However, using this chance, Touka soared into the sky, overlooking him from a high position.

"Touka-nee, what are you going to show me again?"

He didn't intend to follow Touka since, from this position, he could see Touka's white panties. His position was good, so he just stayed in his place.

"I know that I can defeat you like this, so I will use my all."


Suddenly the thunder roared, and the black cloud became even heavier, thicker, and more threatening.

The audience let out a long sigh, wondering why they had always been threatened by such a danger when they just wanted to watch a match.

Tsukasa could see her gaze Kurono on him, so he sighed and stepped into the air, walking outside of the venue so everyone wouldn't be affected by their fight. When he left, Kurono quickly strengthened the barrier, so no one would be hurt. He didn't care about that. Instead, he watched Touka, who was bathed by the thunder.

She was struck by thunder several times before she transformed.

"Thunder Goddess!"

Her body was bathed in blue lightning, and her attire was like a goddess of thunder.


This was how they felt when they saw her figure since she resembled the thunder god in this country but a female version. They were in a daze, and they had the urge to worship Touka now.

However, Tsukasa didn't think so, and he just stood in midair in silence, wondering whether he could ask Touka to dress like this tonight.


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