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Before he came, Tsukasa had expected this. His sense of smell was so keen that he could smell mostly anything from the far distance, including Amane, who sat at the Hagun Academy's booth.

Amane sat there, smiling happily when he saw Tsukasa.

Still, hearing Amane's question, while it might seem like a warm and happy greeting, it contained a lot of meaning.

The students at Hagun Academy were all clear about Amane's ability, and they knew the trouble that happened currently, everything was because of this boy.

So the meaning of Amane's question was meant to ask Tsukasa whether he could sleep, knowing all the strangeness around him happened because of Amane.

What would be his expression?

Would he be angry?

Oh, he wanted to see what kind of expression Tsukasa was going to show him.


Tsukasa grabbed Amane and threw him away.

"......." Everyone.

"Alright, let's sit down." Tsukasa ignored Amane as if this guy didn't exist in the first place.

Everyone was dumbfounded before looking at Amane, who was thrown at the exit of the booth of the Hagun Academy.

Amane was also dumbfounded, and he was in a daze since he didn't expect this treatment. He thought Tsukasa would be angry, scolded, and pour all the negative emotions in his heart into him.

Yet, that's it.

Tsukasa just threw him out.

That's all.

"Hey, what are you doing?!"

Even if Amane was Tsukasa's fan, how could he be happy with this rude treatment?!

"You have entered this place without permission. It is amazing that you don't receive a punishment. Anyway, what are you in a hurry for? We'll meet soon on the stage, and I am too lazy to talk with you."

He didn't even look at Amane since this guy didn't pose a threat to him. However, the feeling of his life and the people he cared about being threatened several times made him annoyed, so he thought to clear him up later.

However, he wouldn't do it right away and decided to do it later on the stage.

"You know what? I am your fan, right? If you ask me, I can even make a wish that you'll become the champion!"

Amane tried to talk with him again and told him what he could do with his power.

However, Tsukasa was only silent, and no one interrupted Amane.

When Amane finished, he said, "Done? If you're done, then go out, and stop with that disgusting smile."


Amane's smile disappeared, and all that was left was a twisted, morbid face.

Everyone was somehow startled by this change, but they didn't feel fear toward this boy since even if he showed such an expression, no one in this place was weak.

"Hey, hurry up and leave!"

Renren wanted to throw Amane out, but she was picked by Tsukasa like a cat.


Tsukasa looked at Amane and said, "We'll meet soon, so enjoy your happy time for a while."

Amane was slightly pressured, and his body told him to run away, but he still had confidence in his ability. "That's something that I should say. I will make your life worse than hell." He didn't stay any longer and left.

Tsukasa looked at Amane's back and thought that it might be better to erase this boy's existence from this world.

"Tsukasa, why did you stop me?" Renren asked in the complaint since she felt she could face Amane.

"Stupid girl. You can't even do anything against that Puppeteer Hiraga. What can you do against him?"

Renren wasn't weak, but it didn't mean she was strong.

"He is right, Renren. Did you forget about his ability? How can you carelessly approach him?" Touka couldn't help but reprimand Renren sternly. If Tsukasa didn't grab Renren, what would happen to her?

Touka couldn't imagine the consequences and directly scolded Renren.

Renren could do nothing and sat on the ground while realizing her mistake.

"But Tsukasa, are you alright? Your first opponent in the second round is that Bad Luck, Amane Shinomiya, right?" Kanata asked with worry. If Tsukasa's opponent was the type that fights upfront, she didn't think that anyone could defeat him, but Amane was different.

Amane's ability was different, and it was too overbearing!

After all, who could fight against fate?

Tsukasa hadn't told Kanata about Desperado, and he also wasn't sure whether to tell her since her chance to become one was also quite difficult. It wasn't impossible, but he needed a long time to teach her.

However, it might not be necessary since he would be right beside her.

"You don't need to worry. I will win."

His words were filled with confidence, but this brought a frown to Ikki and Shizuku.

Stella and Touka didn't say anything since they knew how strong he was.

They knew how strong he was, but it didn't mean they were going to give up, and they would show their best at this event.

As they gathered at their booth, the other participants also appeared one after another, waiting for the battle to start on their event.

The audience also started to gather, and the quiet venue also started to become noisy.

With the good weather, the venue on the coast was extremely clear.

"Now, it is the time that we have been waiting for! Ah, I have been in an excited state since yesterday until now!"

"I can't blame you for that since yesterday, everyone has shown us an amazing battle one after another."

"Yeah! Now, I wonder what kind of battle they're going to show us! Oh, right! I also have good news for everyone!"

The voice of the host attracted everyone's attention, wondering what kind of good news he was going to share with everyone.

"According to the committee, we will hold the second round and the third round at the same day! In other words, we'll be able to see more matches!"



"I am glad that I have come!"

The audience was excited by the news, and they were happy to see more matches.

However, the participants were extremely helpless, but there was nothing they could do since everything had been decided.

He could feel Amane staring in his direction at the moment as if trying to tell him, 'What do you think? Do you like my surprise?' However, he kept ignoring him and didn't even put him in his eyes.

Watching his reaction, Amane only snorted and thought to show him hell later. Then, after he defeated Tsukasa, he would slowly torture all the people he cared about!

"Now, since we're all here, then I won't waste any more time! Now, let us start the second round of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival!"

The voice of the host echoed throughout the venue, along with screams from the audience that shook the building for a while.

The fireworks were shot toward the sky one after another.

By now, the second round of the Seven Stars Sword Art Festival has started!"


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