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His words might be strange, but he felt they were similar.

He was obsessed with power and would do anything to become stronger, even if he became a demon.

On the other hand, Sara was obsessed with painting, and she would do anything to finish that painting, even if she forced him. If her strength was enough, she would catch him directly. Unfortunately, her power wasn't enough, and she wasn't his opponent, so the only way for her to get his nude picture was to be sneaky or keep begging him like this.

They were obsessed with something, and it made them quite similar.

The only difference was the object of their obsession.

He thought for a moment and said, "I can let you paint me..."


Sara interrupted him before he was finished and moved so close that their lips almost touched.

He pushed her away and said, "Don't interrupt me, or I might change my mind now."

She nodded without hesitation and shut her mouth.

"I can become your nude model, but I have a request for you."

"What is it? I will do anything for you."


The obsession this young woman had with him was quite intense, and he was speechless, but he didn't really mind becoming her nude model. Still, he wouldn't do it so easily since anything that could be gained so easily wouldn't be appreciated.

When one was bleeding and worked so hard to get something, they would treasure that thing as if it was the most precious thing in the world.

Still, his intention for Sara had always been clear, and he wanted her to do something for her.

"You're in the C-block, right?"


"You know, Touka Toudou?"

"The one with fast swordsmanship?"

While she would ignore most people and even ignore them, she still remembered a few people that caught her eye.

"Try to fight her with all of your might, win, but don't hurt her, alright?"

"...how is that possible?"

Sara felt that his request was unreasonable since she knew how strong Touka was. When she fought her in the past, she had to use her Edelweiss copy to fight Touka. If not, she was afraid she might lose.

"So you can't?" Tsukasa asked.

"No, I will do it."

Anyway, Sara felt this wasn't difficult since the only thing she had to do was to win Touka.

"But who is this Touka for you?"

"My lover."


Sara was in silence for a while, then asked, "What about that Crimson Princess."

"She is also my lover."


Sara blinked her eyes, then asked, "Then, why did you ask me to defeat Touka?"

"Because I want you to make her stronger. With you as her stepstone, I am sure that she will be stronger."

"...You think I will be defeated?" Sara asked, and her tone was slightly different.



Sara kept staring at Shishio and could see the confidence in his eyes. She pursed her lips, then said, "I have to defeat her so I can make you my nude model, right?"


"If so, can I add another request? After all, it is hard to win without hurting her."

He looked at Sara and didn't expect this girl to learn to be crafty. "Is there something that you want?"

"I want you to date me too."


He blinked his eyes and asked, "Are you serious?"


Sara nodded and felt quite shy for some reason. Her face reddened, wondering what he was going to say. However, he didn't answer her question, causing her to feel at a loss and disappointed since she thought he had rejected her.

"I think it is a bit too early for us to talk about that. Let's have a date when you win the battle. If your mind doesn't change after that, let's the date."


Sara was surprised and felt happy.

"That's if you win. Can you win?"

"I will."

Sara nodded firmly, believing that the victory was already in her hands.

"Touka isn't so weak for you to defeat now." He rubbed Sara's unkempt hair, causing her to close her eyes in bliss. However, his words made her pout, and she said stubbornly, "Anyway, I will win." He had agreed to become his nude model, and they would also go on a date after that!

With so many amazing things waiting after her victory, how could she lose?"

"By the way, can you keep this matter a secret first? After all, there are many who are hostile toward you."


Sara agreed since she knew her impression of everyone wasn't that good. Stella might be gentle and kind toward her, but what about others?

She didn't really want to trouble him.

While they talked to each other, Stella returned with a loss.

"Sorry, this is all I can find."

Stella brought only a pair of black shorts and a black bra after a long time on her journey.

"......." Tsukasa.

"Okay, let me wear it."

'Are you alright with those clothes?'

He was speechless, then said, "Then, at least, how about you add a cardigan? And sandals too."

"Oh, that's right!"

Stella quickly found a matching cardigan and sandals for Sara to wear.

Sara also quickly changed her clothes, and they didn't hear a pained moan from the changing room anymore.

"How is it?" Stella asked.


Sara opened the changing room and showed her new clothes to them.

As expected, while her clothes were good, all he could see were her giant boobs.


This was the only thing that could describe her.

She might be quite unkempt, but her potential was quite good, and as long as she dressed well, she was beautiful.

Still, her main points were boobs.

While the black bra made her seem bold, the cardigan on her body eased that boldness and made her slightly reserved. However, no matter what kind of clothes she wore, she would always seem lewd.

"Okay, this is good enough." Stella nodded and felt satisfied. "Now that we have bought your clothes. Hurry up and go home. Don't interrupt our date."

"........" Sara.

"Come on, Tsukasa!"

Stella linked her arm to him and pulled him away.

Tsukasa gave the nod before he left. This was what they planned from the beginning to go on a date. Unfortunately, Sara interrupted them, so after they finished taking care of Sara, they continued their date.

Sara stared at their back in silence and thought she had to win against Touka.


Stella was happy with her date with Tsukasa in Osaka. They spent quite late trying various cuisines from takoyaki, okonomiyaki, kushikatsu, yakiniku, Manju, horumonyaki, doteyaki, and everything they could. It was a food-hunting spree, and she ate all of them without worry.

Tsukasa didn't feel worried that she might get fat since he knew that this girl's metabolism was quite weird, and all of those foods could be consumed easily. Even if they couldn't, it could become her reserve energy, which made him speechless, realizing how crazy strong she had become.

Anyway, after the first round, while many were working hard for the second round, they spent their days playing around. As for when the other people knew what they were doing, they didn't care either since, honestly, in this event, no one could threaten them.

They were sure that they would meet each other at the final.

However, the next day, a surprise suddenly came, which made them frown.

"Eh? The third round is going to be held today?!"


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