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Ouma rushed over like a high-speed train.

There was no wind resistance in the vacuum space, which allowed him to show speed and power without any resistance and even exceeded his current power even more!

Because there was no air here, no one could breathe since there was no oxygen, and the oxygen in the lungs would quickly be depleted.

With their physical ability, it was easy to hold back their breath for half an hour, but if they had a fierce battle, the oxygen consumption would increase dramatically, and the time they could hold their breath would be reduced to a mere few minutes!

When it came to swordsmanship, Ouma knew that he wasn't Tsukasa's opponent.

However, if Ouma used all of his power, including his ability, Tsukasa would be worse than him!

This confidence came from their previous meeting.

Strength was something that was naturally impossible to improve so quickly in a mere week!

Even if his strength increased, the difference wasn't much!

As long as he sealed Tsukasa's swordsmanship by protecting himself with a vacuum barrier, it was impossible to penetrate his defense!

And in this vacuum space, no one could cut him!

He also believed that his strength was better than Tsukasa!

He could win!

With this belief, Ouma once again slashed his blade!

Ouma's idea and strategy were perfect.


"Do you want to compare your strength with mine?"

Tsukasa watched Ouma strangely, making him wonder where this guy's confidence came from.

Also, did he think that he wouldn't kill him?

He felt that Ouma was really a spoiled boy.

Facing Ouma's slash, he didn't even step back and even took the initiative to meet this slash

In that instant, two blades clashed.

There was no sound at all, only an invisible impact rippled.

Tsukasa didn't change his face, and this blade was nothing but pure power.

Ouma's expression suddenly changed, his arms trembled violently, and a numbness hit half of his body.

"Unfortunately, I surpassed you in everything."

From Tsukasa's lips movement, Ouma read such words.

Tsukasa raised his blade high.

Ouma's pupils shrank, he clenched his teeth, and he immediately took a defensive posture.

Tsukasa swung down his blade!

Countless sword flashes poured down like rain, covering the entire world in front of Ouma at breathtaking speed!

In that short moment, no one knew how many slashes had happened.

It might be thousands or even tens of thousands.

In this simple confrontation, the figure of Ouma flew backward like a broken sack.

His body was on the ground.

His proud, impregnable body was overflowing with countless wounds, and his body was all bloody, dyeing the ground beneath him blood red.

Looking at the whole injury on his body, everyone thought that Ouma was already dead.

"Referee, help him quickly!"

The host was taken aback and quickly shouted.

"No, not yet."

"Huh? What are you talking about, Yuuzou-san?! He has a serious injury! It wouldn't be weird if the Sword Emperor of Wind died now!"

"That's not a serious injury."


At this stage, Kurono's gaze swept across Ouma like a falcon. She pondered for a while, but she decided not to do anything to interrupt this battle.

On the other hand, Tsukasa was as relaxed as ever and thought he was quite gentle since he didn't end this guy.

"It's impossible for you to defeat me in this life. How about you give up your useless struggle?"

Tsukasa sighed, feeling tired, wondering whether he should make this guy into an average human.

On the other hand, Ouma's body swayed lightly, and his figure seemed to fall down at any time, but it was still straight like a tower. His body was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, and his body was wounded by numerous wounds, but the light in his eyes didn't weaken.

"As far as I can remember, I have been chasing strength."

Ouma's voice was low as if trying to answer Tsukasa's words and encouraged himself.

"After I discovered that no one could give me any pressure, I learned to give myself pressure, for example, by consistently compressing my body with vacuum air.

"Yes, by doing this, I evolved!"


'But I didn't ask anything." Tsukasa thought, but he didn't stop Ouma.

Ouma staggered slightly, and his vision gradually blurred.

A large amount of blood gushed out from his body, causing him to lose blood, and he could fall anytime.

However, he didn't stop those wounds with his vacuum air pressure. In theory, as long as the wounds were pressed by air, the blood that gushed out from his body could be stopped, but he didn't do any of that.

"Just as humans have learned to use their limbs over the course of tens of thousands of years, my body has undergone this level of qualitative change. My body has caught up with the hard work of tens of thousands of years of human evolution!"

"But that body can do nothing against me."

"......." Ouma.

Tsukasa shook his head and felt Ouma's explanation was too exaggerated.

The hardness of Ouma's body was definitely better than an ordinary person's.

However, it had nothing to do with him.

After all, in the battle, only victory or defeat.

Who cares even if your body has evolved?

"Come on. With your remaining strength, you should only be able to make one attack."

Tsukasa raised his blade and pointed to the point of the blade to Ouma.

"I will give you a chance."

Well, Ouma's spirit to become strong was quite admirable, though.

"Then, I won't be polite to you."

Ouma raised his blade above his head, trying to brew power on his body.

The fighting spirit on his body had risen to the highest point!


Massive magic power was unleashed from the center and poured into the sword in his hands!

The intensity of that magic power was enough to form a powerful tornado that refracted the light, making his figure look like a mirage.

He didn't suppress the wounds on his body and just wanted to inject all the magic on his body into this final blow!

On the blade, the wind set ablaze violently!

The chaotic wind roared throughout the arena, and everyone was blinded by the storm!

Nothing left!


All the power on his body, from muscles, bones, veins, magic, and of them, were poured into this blow!


Ouma roared like thunder.

The tornado was like a giant sword, like the dragon claws from the myth!

Under that blow, any steel, rock, or anything would be slashed open without any resistance!

This was the full power of Ouma Kurogane!

He infused all of his magic power on his sword without reservation!

"Protect the audience!"

Kurono's complexion suddenly changed, and she hurriedly shouted at the staff around the stage.

At the same time, a dozen or so Blazers stood up from all directions and joined their hands to set up a huge barrier, covering the entire battle circle!


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