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The man was like someone who hadn't slept for a decade. He stood in front of the machination, and his eyes flashed anxiously on the countless water-like screens.

One of the screens suddenly shattered.

He quickly looked over, but before he could recall the location of the surveillance camera, the other screen shattered again.

It was already too late to dispatch his people.

In desperation, he could only focus on the exit area of that floor.

However, the main group of the Loki Familia moved at speed beyond his imagination.

He had lowered many gates one after another and opened all the traps on the ground, but the opponents disappeared again and again in a blink of an eye.


He was so angry that he couldn't help but show annoyance.

This man-made dungeon was built by their family. As a descendant, he knew the entire man-made dungeon well, like the back of his hand, and he could control any mechanism at will, but even so, he couldn't reach and catch them!

"Barca-chan, have you found the "Braver" position yet?

When he was full of anxiety, a lazy voice entered his ears.

"Valletta-chan has been waiting impatiently, you know?"

"Just let her go and chase after her target!"

The man named Barca Perdix turned his head and stared with bloodshot eyes.

"Oops! Don't tell me that you have lost them?"

The one who said helplessly was a beautiful young man with long black hair.

He was a man, yet he had a gorgeous appearance, which could make most men fall in love.

It was just the gloomy and depraved atmosphere around him that made his charm slightly lowered.


Watching Barca, who fell silent, the youth suddenly froze.

"No way, this is their first time here. They shouldn't understand the structure of this man-made dungeon. How can they escape?"

In the face of this man-made dungeon made of super-hard metal and the hardest metal, it was impossible to find the real passage that led to the outside in just ten minutes.

Barca deliberately left the passage open in order to send his people for his people to pass through toward the exit.

Before the Loki Familia entered this man-made dungeon, they stopped at the gate to close by, blocking the gate with a giant rock pillar, which gave them a chance to run away.

However, in theory, it was impossible for them to arrive in that position so soon. They might even need a few days to reach that place, especially with many of the Evilus members trying to kill them.

Unless there was a rat who betrayed them, the possibility of the Loki Familia escaping was near zero.

They had been trapped, and it was impossible for them to run away!

Then, how could they be able to run away?!

"You ask me?"

Barca looked at the gloomy young man coldly.

"I don't know the reason, but judging from the destroyed surveillance, they have found their way to the dungeon and may have escaped from this man-made dungeon now."

The entrance to the man-made dungeon, Knossos, wasn't only in the underground sewer of Daedalus Street, but there were more than a dozen entrances, most of which were located in the dungeon, such as on the 14th, 16th, and 18th Floors.

The main group of the Loki Familia should have found a route to exit on the 16th Floor, and they had left the man-made dungeon, Knossos.

"Huh? Really? Barca-chan, have you betrayed us?"

The gloomy youth looked at the sloppy man with surprise.


Barca was furious, but he was tired, and this wasn't the time to continue their meaningless conversation. He turned and continued to look into all the water-like screens.

Betrayal wasn't a funny joke.

Barca hadn't gone out for so many years, so it was impossible to get in touch with the Loki Familia.

Loki Familia also moved too fast, to the point that even the rat in their group wouldn't be able to help them.

They could only say that it was because of the might of the Loki Familia, which was known as the strongest and was really that powerful.

"Then, it is going to be troublesome. We brought them with the intention of wiping them out here, but the biggest fish escaped from the net so quickly..."

The gloomy youth sighed depressedly.

"Didn't you guarantee there would be no problem, Thanatos?"

The young girl's voice suddenly sounded.

The masked little girl goddess appeared in the control room, mocking her in an old-fashioned way.

"Most of my children have all been taken away by the guild. If you can't let me enjoy the carnage of the bloody fight, I won't let you go!"

The goddess of war showed a bloody smile.

"Oops, of course! I won't let you down, Kali."

Thanatos smiled brightly before he approached Barca.

"Barca-chan, think of something quickly!"

"Get the fuck out!"

"Is this how you are supposed to talk to your god?"

Thanatos sighed helplessly.

Still, their current situation was really troublesome.

Thanatos felt nervous in his heart. This battle didn't meet their expectations at all.

The man-made dungeon was exposed, and none of the executives of the Loki Familia were captured.

It was a huge loss.

"Send orders to Valletta-chan and Revis-chan to catch the remaining prey quickly!"

"Revis is fighting Sword Princess. It is only a time before she kills her."

"Revis-chan is awesome!"

"Argana of the Kali Familia is stupid! Why should she fight one by one against that Jormungand?

"Ugh... what about the rest?"

"The elf trio... how is it possible? How do they know how to get out of the Knossos?!"

Barca was dumbfounded.

His eyes fell on one of the screens, which showed pictures of Riveria, Lefiya, and Filvis walking together throughout the passage. What made him even more unbelievable was the fact they were walking so smoothly, without getting lost, trapped, or attacked, floor by floor, before returning to the underground sewer in Daedalus Street.

"Is there really a rat?"

Thanatos stared at the three elves in surprise.

"Barca-chan, you..."

"Shut up!"


"We can't stop them."

The D-shaped letter in Barca's left eye glowed red.

"However, that pair of Amazoness sisters, Sword Princess and Elgram, will die here."

"Four executives? Well, that's fine."

Thanatos pondered for a while before nodding reluctantly.

"By the way, one more thing."

Barca suddenly looked at Thanatos. "Not long ago, our sponsor entered the man-made dungeon with a key, and she should reach this place soon."

"Eh? Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"What's the difference?"

"Barca-chan, you don't understand at all! That goddess is quite troublesome!"

Thanatos complained. "You should tell me as soon as possible, so I have time to prepare!" As soon as he thought that goddess was coming, he became even gloomier.

"It seems that you don't like to see me that much, Thanatos?"

The door of the control room suddenly opened, and a voice mixed with joy and anger entered Thanatos's ears.

Thanatos sighed and complained secretly.

Their troublesome sponsor had come to visit them.

The brown-skinned beauty, in a revealing dress, walked into the control room and looked at Thanatos with a charming gaze, making him even more helpless.

"Ahaha, Ishtar, what brought you here?"


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