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Violent flames dyed the metal walls red.

Poison Vermis, which were on the walls and ceilings, turned into ashes and disappeared instantly under the shrill screams.

His magic weapon wasn't just gun-like, but he also had a flamethrower-type and other elemental-type.

It was easy to make anyway, so he just made it.

"Move faster! Run as your lives depend on it!"

Tsukasa was the vanguard.

He held a magic weapon in his two hands, and the intense flames released from his magic weapons burned all the monsters in the way.

Not only him but all the people behind him were all equipped with magic weapons. Facing such monsters, they didn't hesitate and didn't give mercy, following his every order like their lives depended on it.

Still, they were glad that Tsukasa was also an awesome magic weapon blacksmith since if they didn't have those magic weapons, they would be troubled and in crisis. What was even awesome was the fact that his magic weapons wouldn't be destroyed no matter what. It made them believe him even more.

Whether Poison Vermis or a group of suicide attacks, Tsukasa didn't give mercy. He hadn't seen their suicide bombing, but he didn't give them a chance to do anything. Whenever he saw the enemies, he killed them without mercy and an opportunity for them to do anything.

"No, there are many crystal spiders chasing after us!"

"A new monster again?"

Tsukasa was speechless. He glanced back and saw a spider monster with several legs constantly stepping on the ground, chasing after them from behind.

The spider was so huge that it was the size of a human child. Its body was as clear as crystal, and a colorful magic stone could be seen from its chest. Yet what made it scary was that it came in groups, swarming them, ready to eat them.

Like man-eating plant and caterpillar monsters, they were all new monsters that only appeared when the Evilus appeared.

However, unlike the man-eating plant's high durability or the green caterpillar's corrosive acid, this crystal spider was fast.

Once they were caught up in it, they would be surrounded under heavy siege and couldn't escape!

"Ais, break them!"

Under his order, the emerald green wind rushed toward the group of crystal spiders.

Ais smashed all the crystal spiders that attacked from behind.

"Bete, turn to the left!"

Bete, who opened the way as a vanguard, heard Tsukasa's words, using his legs, smashing everything, kicking all the crystal spiders that blocked their way before turning to the left passage at the next intersection.

"Can we really use this passage to escape?"

Bete couldn't help but ask in doubt. However, when he saw his confident expression, he decided to believe in him. Yet with his tsundere nature, it was hard for him to say it honestly.

"I don't know, but I feel that we can go out."

"...I am not sure where this confidence comes from, but I'll kill you if we can't go out."

"Haha... if I die, then everyone will die."

"........" Everyone.

His dark jokes almost scared them, but somehow they felt relief since they knew he wouldn't play with their lives like how he wouldn't play with his life.

The wires they used so they wouldn't miss their ways had been used halfway, and the enemy had completely controlled the man-made dungeon. They lowered the gate one after another. The map in their hands was useless, and this place had become a deadly trap with many holes and dead ends everywhere.

"Alicia, break the statue!"

"Leave it to me!"

Two bullets were fired one after another, and the heads of the two statues were shattered.

"There are a lot of surveillance statues in this man-made dungeon."

Tsukasa led the whole group advancing without stopping while constantly thinking about what the enemies would do.

"It's impossible for the enemy to place so many surveillance statues. Even if they confirm our route through the destroyed statue, they will be one step slower than us."

In other words, they couldn't catch up.

As long as they maintained this speed, they would be able to find the exit soon.

He glanced back at Raul's position.

Finn was still pale as if blood had been drained from his body. His breathing was still fragile, and it was impossible for him to join the fight.

Yet Tsukasa knew that Finn's condition was already out of danger.

What he had to do next was to find the exit, bringing them out before he searched for the others. He wasn't sure why, but he had been feeling restless.

While he could read the future, he could only read for under one point one second in the future.

While he could escape fate, he couldn't make others escape their fates.

He had been feeling restless from the beginning of this operation, so he wanted to bring everyone to go out as soon as possible.



Two loud bangs sounded in succession.

The two massive gates fell suddenly, letting the shadow of despair hit everyone again.

"If this continues, can we really go out?"

Raul was trembling in fear.

"As long as they lower all the gates, we won't be able to escape at all!"

That's right!

As long as all the gates were lowered, they would have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. It was only a time before they were caught.

Loki Familia didn't have the means to open the gate, so they couldn't escape this man-made dungeon at all.

"It might be in the future, but it is not now."

Tsukasa remained calm.

"The enemy now wants to wipe us out, so they must also send their armies toward us, which means there will be at least one path for their people to walk in this man-made dungeon."

The red orb with the D letter engraving in Valletta's hand was the key to controlling the gate.

However, they hadn't seen anyone else holding that key so far, which meant only a small number of their executives had the key.

In the case that many people didn't have the keys, the Evilus had to be divided into several groups to attack them.

In other words, it was impossible for the enemy to drop all the gates!


"Yes! Of course!"

Even if he didn't have confidence, he must show confidence.

This was what Finn had been doing, and Tsukasa was also the same.

If he was also nervous, who would become a pillar to support everyone's morale?

"Isn't this room a shortcut?"

"Don't go! That place is dangerous!"

Without even looking at the room, Tsukasa rejected Alicia's proposal.

*Crack!* *Crack!*

All of a sudden, the floor on the ground was opened, relaying a bottomless pit.

"It's useless!"

Tsukasa swung his sword in his left hand.

Instantly, the air suddenly became cold, and the ice unleashed from the sword, creating a bridge of ice on the top of the pit.



Everyone was surprised and happy when they saw this.

Until now, they hadn't encountered a crisis, and even if they met a crisis, all of them were solved by Tsukasa.


Bete stared at Tsukasa, but he didn't say anything. Even if he hated to admit it, Tsukasa was like Finn, who had won everyone's unconditional trust. Even though he trusted him and believed they would be okay, this wasn't something he could mimic, and he could only say that Finn had a vision. After all, it was impossible for him to be honest and acknowledge this bastard.

Still, if Tsukasa told him to jump into the hole, he might even do it now.

"Jump to this hole!"

"........" Bete.

Before he could say anything, Tsukasa jumped into the hole.

"......" Bete.

"Come on, you small fries! Don't become a burden!"

Bete took a deep breath and stopped thinking before he jumped down.

Behind him, the dumbfounded everyone gritted their teeth before they jumped one by one.

Ais killed all the monsters behind her and was about to jump into this hole.


However, a figure jumped suddenly and slashed her with a giant black sword!


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