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The Magic Council was the organization which supervised the entire magician guilds and guild related matter in the continent.

For a hundred years, this organization had grown into a very big organization that no one dared fight.

It also had a lot of connection with various kingdoms in this continent so no one would ever think that someone would attack the headquarters of this organization.

At this moment, when the guards were standing lazily in front of the gate of the headquarters suddenly on the top of cloud there was an aircraft which appeared and stood right on the top of headquarters.

Hades looked at his subordinates and asked, "So which of you want to destroy this place?"

Because Kain, Zancrow, Meredy, and Ultear had disappeared from Seven Kin of Purgatory, there were only three members left in this organization and of course, Hades had chosen the new members for this organization.

"Leave it to me, Hades-sama."

Hades nodded and said, "Then, I'll leave it to you Azuma."

Azuma nodded and vowed that he would destroy the Magic Council, then left.

No one seemed worried nor would they think that Azuma would fail since they were the strongest dark guild in this continent after all, they had their arrogance and they needed to teach the Magic Council to not mess with them.


Azuma landed suddenly in the center of the headquarters of the Magic Council.


The guards stood still and looked at Azuma with confused expressions since he had suddenly appeared on this sacred location.

Azuma looked around for a while to see whether there was a worthy warrior within this place.

"Hey! Who are you? Why are you here?"

"Don't move! Or we will put you into prison directly!"


Shaking his head, Azuma was left disappointed, then he didn't waste his time anymore. He extended his hand and gathered magic energy into his palm.


Then suddenly an explosion engulfed everything.


The headquarters of the Magic Council was very quiet, within the underground of this headquarter there was a large dungeon prison which was used to keep the prisoners.

The members of the Magic Council were quite busy sorting out the prisoners on the underground area, but suddenly....


The ground was shaking, a loud explosion was heard, and suddenly everything was ruined.

They didn't know what had happened, but before they could do anything heavy wreckage fell toward them!


The front part of the Magic Council's headquarters was destroyed, but Azuma didn't feel satisfied since his task was to destroy everything.

Azuma had learned a "Lost Magic" which was known as the "Great Tree Arc".

With this magic, the user was able to manipulate the properties of trees; however, its true strength was in the properties within the earth, which could be easily controlled by the user.

A unique property regarding this magic was that the user was able to condense the power of the earth into the fruit of the created trees, doing so allows them to create fiery explosions.

It was also the reason why Azuma was able to send out a big explosion.

After that explosion more and more members of the Magic Council appeared to apprehend Azuma, but he didn't show panic. He was calm, looking at everyone since he knew that there weren't any warriors within this location and even if there was, he would continue his task until its complete.

"You...! How dare you attack the Magic Council!"

"Everyone catch him! We have to get revenge on our fallen comrades!"

The armies of the Magic Council were furious since a lot of their comrades were dying because of Azuma.

Ignoring their cry, Azuma extended both arms out to his sides, and gathered a magic energy within.

"Tower Burst!"

It was so sudden that no one was able to do anything.

Azuma created an enormous tower of explosive flames in his immediate vicinity.


The explosion expanded and engulfed everything, destroyed the vicinity, and everything within.



"It's over."

Azuma walked away back to the aircraft where everyone was waiting for him, leaving the destroyed Magic Council.


Bourne and Ur became really close and they didn't even go back until the next afternoon.

Ur had to admit that Bourne's stamina was crazy, and she needed to sleep a long time to recover her energy, but at the same time, she had to admit that it felt awesome. His thing reached the place where her ex-husband hadn't reached and his stamina was crazy.

The other thing was that Bourne was able to control his white liquid so it wouldn't cause her to get pregnant.

That white liquid was a liquid and Bourne was able to control most of the liquid in this world.

Bourne didn't want to have children so quickly when he was only a teenage boy himself.

If tomorrow wasn't his birthday, Bourne and Ur might not decide to come back and stay in the hotel for more days, but they had someone waiting at home, and Ur told him that if they continued her waist might not hold it.

Bourne knew that he might have done too much, but it had been many years since it was his first time to have the warmth of woman in this world and at the same time, he realized that his stamina was absurd. It might be also related to his magic energy, but he didn't think too much.

Both of them went home together, and looked at Meredy who was in the courtyard, practicing magic, then Tear who seemed to read something with a heavy expression.

They realized that something was wrong for some reason.

"Tear, what's wrong?"

Bourne looked worriedly at Tear, who seemed to have read the report.

"The headquarters of the Magic Council are destroyed," Tear said with a heavy expression.


Bourne and Ur were surprised since they had only left for a day, but suddenly the headquarters of the Magic Council was destroyed and it wasn't the branch headquarters, but rather the main headquarters which gave the Magic Council a heavy blow.

"Who did it?" Bourne asked.

Shaking her head, Tear said, "The member of the Magic Council isn't sure, but the culprit should master magic related to an explosion."

"Explosion?" Ur raised her eyebrow and asked, "Is there someone with such magic in Grimoire Heart?"

"Explosion?" Tear thought for a while and only remembered it. "Then it should be Azuma."


Tear nodded and explained Azuma's ability to both of them.

"So did the remnants of the Magic Council request something from us? And how is the damage?" Bourne asked.

"Luckily, the main members of the Magic Council weren't at the headquarters at that time, but the damage was great since almost half of the armies were dead because of this Azuma," Tear said.


Bourne frowned. "So what is the Magic Council's request?"

"They hope to conceal this matter from the public," Tear said.

Bourne owned one of the largest media businesses on the continent after all and it was normal for the Magic Council to ask him for help.

"It's alright." Bourne nodded and said, "Promise them." It was for the safety of the continent and of course, he wouldn't cause a panic for a mere profit since if he really announced the matter of the destruction of the headquarters of the Magic Council, then his business might be affected since the Dark Magician might become even more lawless.

Then Bourne noticed Tear's expression changed and asked, "Is there another request?"

Tear sighed and said, "They asked us to give them a donation."


Ur and Bourne twitched their lips.

"Promise them and tell them that we offer our sincere condolences to the heroes who have fallen out to protect the continent," Bourne said.

Tear nodded and said, "Should we send our people there?"

"Send them, it's better to send our people there too," Bourne said. He had always wanted to control the Magic Council and this attack was a chance for him to control the Magic Council from the shadow.

And at the same time, Bourne thought that the Magic Council was very weak since all of their soldiers were unable to stop one magician. He rubbed his chin and wondered whether he should create his own magician organization to protect his business.


Tear nodded and asked, "So have you two done it?"


Ur blushed and looked away, but Bourne was wondering whether this girl also wanted the same too.



haru from sis-con have crossover to magic council "That white liquid was a liquid and Haru was able to control most of the liquid in this world."