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Listening to what Meredy had grown through, Ur and Ultear seemed to be awakening their maternal feelings and said that it was alright for Meredy to live with them.

Looking at the enthusiasm of Ur and Ultear, Bourne could tell that both women gave him a hint to give them children as soon as possible which made him speechless. He could see both of them looking at him with a hopeful expression at him which made him helpless.

It wasn't that Bourne didn't want children, but he was only 12 years old, or rather he would be in his 13 in few days. Even if he had seen someone in their 13 years old made a woman pregnant, he wouldn't be that one. He wanted to wait until he was in his 17 years old so he wouldn't be too young.


But in the end, Bourne pretended that he didn't see anything and looked at them with an innocent expression.

Looking at Bourne's expression, Ultear and Ur were wondering whether Bourne was really innocent as he seemed to be. Bourne was very smart and they didn't think that it was possible for him about the relationship between woman and man. Or rather they felt that it was impossible for someone as smart as Bourne to not know about that kind of matter, especially when his kissing skill was very lethal.

Meredy looked at Ur and Ultear and wondered what was their relationship with Bourne. She didn't know Bourne's age, but from Bourne's height alone (175cm), she felt that he should be at his 17 or 18, thinking that both Ur and Ultear were his girlfriends, suddenly the little girl became depressed.

Meredy was a child so after that trip, she was very tired and Ur brought her to the empty room to sleep.

When Ur and Meredy had gone, Ultear didn't hesitate and jumped into Bourne, hugging him tightly.

"I miss you."

Ultear took a deep breath and didn't care even if this guy hadn't taken a bath.

Even if Bourne didn't take a bath, his "water" magic could clean his body easily without him needing to go to the bathroom.

"I miss you too."

Bourne hugged Ultear tightly since he missed her.

When Ur had sent Meredy to her room, she returned to where Bourne and Ultear were staying, but she didn't say anything and only looked at Bourne and Ultear who were hugging each other.


Ur wasn't sure how to describe her feelings, and even if she had accepted the relationship between the three of them, she felt that Bourne and Ultear were matched to each other, but she....


"Right, there's something that we need to talk about," Bourne said.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the change on Bourne's face, Ultear knew that it might be something serious.

Then at this moment, Ur also returned to the two of them and sat beside them. "What's wrong, Bourne?"

"Wait a moment."

Bourne put down Ultear, who was sitting on his lap to his right, then carried Ur, who was on his left side, to his lap before hugging her.

"I miss you, Ur." 

Ur was stunned, then smiled before hugging him. "I miss you too."

Ultear looked at both of them with a smile, letting them hug each other for a while. Thinking this guy had left for two weeks, she was quite annoyed since she was quite busy with their business, especially when they were about to build a hypermarket.

Ultear had to admit that Bourne's idea was very good since usually everyone would buy their food on the market and the price of each was varied, some shops even tried to cheat the customers, but with this hypermarket, they didn't need to worry about being cheated and they didn't need to move around the market since everything was being sold on the hypermarket.

Ultear also knew that Bourne was interested in creating a flour mill and it seemed he wanted to monopolize the food market in this continent which was quite interesting in her mind.

Bourne and Ur hugged each other for a while before, he told them what had happened to Meredy's town and the one who had attacked Meredy's town since he didn't tell them about the details.

"I met a member of Grimoire Heart," Bourne said.


Ur and Ultear were startled when they heard this news.

"Who did you meet?" Ultear asked. She was an ex-member of Grimoire Heart after all and she might be the one who knew the master of this guild better than anyone since she was the one who personally helped the guild master of this guild to resurrect Zeref.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be Kain and Zancrow," Bourne said.

Ultear had told Bourne and Ur about all of the dangerous members and magic of the magicians at Grimoire Heart.

Grimoire Heart was one of the strongest Dark Guilds in the continent after all and even if Bourne and Ur were strong, they needed to be careful.

"Kain and Zancrow, so...?"

Looking at Bourne's condition, Ultear knew the answer.

"It's alright. I've defeated them easily," Bourne said.


They weren't sure what to say for a moment.

Ultear sighed and said, "You know... both of them are two of the seven strongest members of Griomoire Heart!"

Bourne nodded and said, "Yes, if I'm not wrong, they should be a member of Seven...."

"The Seven Kin of Purgatory." Even though Ultear was speechless, she reminded Bourne of the name of the strongest organization within Grimoire Heart.

"That's right! That's the name!" Bourne nodded and said, "One of them is quite fat and holding a strange doll, then the other one can blow a black flame."

Ultear nodded and said, "Yes, that's them. That's Kain and Zancrow."

"So what did you do with them?" Ur asked.

"I sold them."


"Yes." Bourne nodded and said, "I sold them to the Magic Council. They should send the money soon." He might have a hatred toward Zeref and his happy group, but unless it was the demons, itself and the Zeref, itself, he had decided to sell all of the people which related to Zeref to Magic Council since he was sure that the future of those people wouldn't be bright.

Bourne might have been able to kill them, but he didn't want to kill too much in his life. He didn't mind killing, but if possible he wanted to avoid it.

It was better to sell them and get money from them, he got money and they would be also killed because of the dangerous magic research, he felt that he had got two birds with one stone.


They were speechless, but when they pondered for a while, they felt it was better to sell them to the Magic Council rather than kill them.

Even if they didn't mind dirtying their hands with blood, they wanted to avoid it.

It was also better to sell them to the Magic Council since they received money, quite a lot of that.

"Right, tomorrow, let's go out, Bourne," Ur said.

"Date?" Bourne looked at Ur curiously.

"Yes." Ur nodded.

"It's alright, but..." Bourne looked at Ultear.

Ultear made a circle with her fingers and said, "Sure, both of you can go out together. I'll teach Meredy magic tomorrow."


Bourne wasn't sure what kind of magic would be taught by Ultear to Meredy tomorrow, but he was sure that Meredy would lose her peaceful life tomorrow. Then he looked at Ur and said, "Alright, let's have a date."



Merci pour le chapitre 👍 🐼 🐼 🐼 🐼