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7 January.

The winter break was over, Haru was going to his school, but Kirari suddenly called him yesterday telling him to come to her house before going to the school since she wanted to go to the school together.

Haru didn't really mind it and took his car and drove to Kirari's home. He didn't ride his scooter since the temperature was very cold and he was afraid for her to get cold in this weather.

Driving his 275 GTB Ferarri, Haru went to Kirari's house leaving his house.

Utaha had come back to her house since she also needed to go to school.

For Megumi and Sora, they were in their 3rd year of middle school, and the thing that they needed to do was to study as long as they could enter their targeted high school, then they would be alright.

(Just information that Megumi and Sora want to enter the same high school as Utaha).


Entering Momobami's house, no one stopped his car.

It wasn't Haru's first time to come to Kirari's house, but he had to admit that her house was really vast.

This house wasn't her main house, rather it was a house to accommodate her when she studied at Hyakkou Academy.

If Haru remembered well, Kirari also had an ancestral house that was used for her parents to live in or when there was a gathering for every person in the clan.

Haru wasn't sure, but somehow there were a lot of more people in this place and wondering whether something was happening. He got out of his car and felt a bit speechless when he saw Kirari's people who were very respectful of him as if treating him as Kirari's husband.

Somehow it made him quite scared to enter.

Haru really didn't want to enter since he felt that something was about to happen.

"Haru, you've come."

Suddenly Kirari walked to the entrance of her house looking at Haru with a smile.

Haru looked at Kirari who was wearing a Hyakkou Academy uniform, and he had to admit that she was very beautiful in this dress. He also missed her somehow and forgot the fear in his heart. "Kirari, it has been a while."

"Yes, I have seen a lot of things that you've done during the winter holiday." Kirari smiled and said, "Congratulations on selling 2 million magazines after it just being published on 4 January."

"Thank you."

Viking Weekly Shounen Manga has been sold for more than 2 million for the past few days, and it keeps increasing.

The people around them were very surprised when they heard it, but then when they saw both Haru and Kirari stood up together.

It might be their imagination, but they felt that they were very suited to each other.

"It's a bit cold outside. Let's go inside first," Kirari said.

"We're not going to go to school now?" Haru asked curiously.

"Let's not be in a hurry and I've sent Ririka to my place first," Kirari said.


Haru somehow felt strange, but when he saw Kirari's smile, he felt that it was worth the trouble. He suddenly sighed inside his heart feeling that he was very weak against beautiful women.

Walking next to each other, they were talking to each other since they hadn't seen each other for a long time.

It might feel weird, but Haru felt that he was very comfortable talking with Kirari even though he knew that Kirari's personality was very bad, and might even reach the borderline of a psychopath, especially after what she had done to the group of "house pets" at school. (A house pet is a group of students who are in debt because of gambling).

Kirari had always wanted to test the feeling of the king during the medieval era where they would use a gamble to alleviate the stress on their people and also to avoid the war.

But their era was different and Kirari wasn't king or queen or someone who had that kind of power to play with human life, however, it was different after Kirari had become the student president council of Hyakkou Academy.

After Kirari had become the student council, she could do whatever she wanted at that school.

Hyakko Academy, itself, had become a small kingdom of her, no, it should be an aquarium where she could observe her fishes playing, running, hiding, or devouring each other. 

The first thing after Kirari had become the student council was to increase the discrimination on the "house pet" on the Hyakko Academy.

Even though it seemed cruel, the students on the Hyakko Academy didn't seem to hate it since that meant as long as they could become a winner on gambling, they didn't need to worry about anything and they were free to do whatever they wanted.

Then what about the group of "house pets"?

They don't care about them! It is their fault to gamble and lose the game. If they don't want to become a "house pet" then they only need to pay money.

Even though it is cruel, this school shows the reality of the world that is cruel, manipulative, and without mercy to the weak.

As Esdeath always said 'the weak die, and the strong conquer.'

Then what if they don't have money to pay their debt?

Don't worry, the student council has prepared everything.

The second thing that Kirari had done was to create a "Life Plan", a plan which turned them into slaves of their debt until they could pay that debt.

There are various plans such as becoming the wife of a politician, or if their parents are rich and have a lot of connections, then the student council is going to use that money and connection until they have paid their debt.

As long as they can't pay their debt then they will turn into a pet in their entire life!

Kirari was a bad woman, but Haru didn't really mind that since Esdeath was somehow quite similar to her.

For Kirari, Haru was simply her ideal man since he had an ability, he didn't even say anything about her plan just supported her, he let her do whatever she wanted, and lastly, he was her type. She was also the one who had found him among the millions of people in this country. She also saw him raise his status from a normal writer to a billionaire after she had given him a chance.

Kirari was very narcissistic and of course, she wanted to have the best man to impregnate her, especially when she knew about Haru's talent in finance, business, EQ, and lastly sex.

Kirari knew Haru's ability in that area since she had asked about that matter to her ex-girlfriends. She somehow shuddered when she thought about him and since she had decided to make him her own. She wouldn't let him escape from her and definitely made him her husband.

They entered a room while Haru looked around curiously.

Haru could see that this room was full of traditional Japanese ornaments and there wasn't any chair in this room since someone needed to sit on the floor when they were inside this room, but there was a pillow to make it comfortable for someone to sit on the floor. 

"You can sit down first. I'll prepare your tea." 

Haru nodded and sat down while crossing his legs. He was too lazy with etiquette and there were only both of them in this room. 

Looking at Kirari's figure who prepared tea beautifully, he was wondering whether this girl had learned a Japanese tea ceremony. 

"Taste it." 

Kirari took a cup of tea which she had just brewed earlier. 

Haru took the tea and smelled a deep flavor from the tea. He sipped it slowly and had to admit that it was bitter, but there was a hint which made it very hard to hate taste somehow. 

"Haru, I'm going to be engaged." 



Haru frowned and didn't like what he had heard. "With who?"



Haru was dumbfounded at this moment and asked, "What?" 

"I want to be engaged with you." 

Kirari was very serious at this moment and somehow quite nervous since she was a bit afraid for him to reject him, even though that possibility was very low. She was a girl who had never tasted love until he came into her life. She had often questioned her feelings and read various physiological books wondering whether she was sick or something, but she had found out that she was falling in love with him. 

"Why? Isn't that a bit early? We're not even dating after all," Haru asked since he felt weird by this request.

"I'll be engaged with someone and you know how strict my family is. I'll be engaged sooner or later with someone that I don't even know before I don't care as long as my business is very developed then I might cheat my husband on you creating children with your sperm rather than his...." 


Haru raised his eyebrow and asked, "You're joking?" 

Kirari chuckled and said, "Of course, I'm joking." 


Haru felt that this girl wasn't joking earlier. 

"I know that you have a girlfriend, but I hope that I can borrow your name to stop my engagement with the person who was being arranged by my family, is that alright with you?" 

Kirari stared at Haru without expression and put her hands on her skirt calmly, but if someone observed better, she clenched her hands tightly on her skirt showing her nervousness. 


Haru didn't answer her immediately, but he really didn't like the idea where this girl was stolen from him. He looked at Kirari and had to admit that the idea of giving her to someone else made him frown.

"Sure, you can use my name." 

Kirari sighed in relief inwardly and said, "Thank you. We can even engage for real too if you want." 

"If you can accept my relationship with girlfriends then I don't mind." 

Haru thought that it was better to have her now since she was right in front of him. 


Kirari was silent since she was a very greedy woman. She wanted him to be only for her, and not shared him with anyone else. 

"I was joking. Look, it is also time for school. Let's go." 

Kirari nodded and said, "Yes, let's go." She wasn't in a hurry and she was confident in herself that she would have him for sure. 



*Whooo Crack* Your whipped boy.


He'd be a better protagonist if he didn't get used and tossed around so easily. This just reminds me of when you wrote him to be subservient to the point he got on his knees and licked another woman's feet. It's like you're forgetting everyone was against that the first time around and complained that they didn't want to read that type of series since it basically degraded the mc into trash. You're doing the same thing all over again even if it's more subtle this time around. You either need to state what type of mc you're doing and say he's a masochist or a human carpet if you're going that route. At least that'd give us the chance to stop reading it and not waste our time with disappointment later. Also, save some cash since it'd be a waste to pay for something we don't want to read.

Shin Nguyen

Thanks for chapter


I guess you might not enjoy all of the chapters but thank you for your opinion.

Logan Godsoe

I kinda hope we get a mini arc centred around training


Version two is definitely better than version one. Makes it so he's the master of his harem instead of a tool to the women in it.