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Everyone was amazed looking at him making those monsters disappear with ease. 

Cao Cao, who was still fighting against Azazel, wondered what kind of sacred gear was that. 

"Are you curious about his sacred gear?" Azazel asked while fighting. 

"Do you know it?" Cao Cao asked. 

Azazel shook his head, "After God is dead, there is a lot of mutation sacred gear, probably he is one of that." 

Cao Cao looked at how easily he defeated those monsters and wondered what would happen when he aimed it toward a people. His expression became serious and he knew that he was playing around, "He is strong." 

"That's true," Azazel nodded and added, "but let's continue our battle." 

"That's true," Cao Cao thrust his spear.


"S - stop him!!!" 

The Hero Faction knew that he would be dangerous and needed to stop him. They thought he was good with a long-range attack but he was weak at close range. 

Yuuki was too lazy to handle them and he would be the only one who was working if this continued. He looked at the Gremory group and said, "Can you stop them?" 

"Of course, leave it to us," Issei said. 

"You don't need to worry, we will protect you," Kiba said. 

"I won't let them get near you," Xenovia said.

"I will help you attack those monsters," Rossweisse said.

"I will stop them!!!" Irina said. 

Yuuki got a shudder when both males said these lines to him. He was glad that Xenovia, Irina and Rossweisse were there. He looked at Asia and said, "Asia-Chan, can you stay with Kunou? Please protect her." 

"Y - yes!! I will protect her," Asia nodded. 

"Yuuki-Nii...." Kunou was a bit worried about him. 

"Don't worry, wait for me to save your mother," Yuuki said. 

Kunou nodded and believed in him. 

Yuuki saw that everyone was fighting against members of Hero Faction. He looked at Leonardo who had a sweat on his forehead. He smiled at him and changed the effect on his gun. He aimed at him and shot him. 

Leonardo didn't know what was happening. He saw him aiming his gun and suddenly he felt sleepy. He closed his eyes and fell down.

"Leonardo!! What are you doing!!!" 

"Don't worry, a child like him needs to sleep early," Yuuki said. 

The Hero Faction sighed in relief when they heard him only sleeping. They knew that he was the most dangerous person in this situation. They didn't even hear or see the appearance of the bullet from his gun.

Yuuki wasn't in a hurry to end them and wanted to see most of their group. He could see that Issei was fighting against three beautiful girls. He knew what he wanted to do in that situation. He thought for a bit that he should be the fisherman in this situation. 


Issei used his boobs language to find out where they knew about their attack in advance. He used his dress-breaker to make their clothes torn. 

"Kyaaa!!" The three girls were overwhelmed by this perverted technique. They wanted to cry since they had never shown their bodies to anyone but suddenly there was a big cloak covering their bodies. 

"Are you alright?" 

Three of them raised their heads and saw the young man who had a gun in sacred gear. They knew that they were enemies, "W - why are you helping us?" 

"What a dumb question?" Yuuki said. 

"What?" They became pissed by his words. 

"You're a very beautiful girl, I don't want you to be defiled by that pervert," Yuuki said in a gentlemanly manner and added, "How about you exit from the Hero Faction and come with me?" 

"Eh?' The three girls were stupified and blushed at the same time. 

"Don't worry, I will treat you roughly," Yuuki whispered. 

They shuddered and looked at him with fascination. 

"Can you stop flirting with our group? You three come back hurriedly." 

"Ah, yes!!" The three of them felt regret and ran back to their group. 

Yuuki shook his head since his plan failed. 

"Bastard!!!" Issei was angry since he got three cute girls suddenly. 

"Yuuki...." Rossweisse sighed. 

"Yuuki-Nii...." Kunou felt that this brother of his was just too womanizer, "I - I can be your bride later." She said in a low voice.

Asia and Irina looked at him with unreliable eyes.

"Yuuki..." Xenovia somehow felt pissed. 

Kiba could only sigh and wondered why a lot of perverts had gathered around him. 

"You're very popular." 

Yuuki saw this silver-haired young man in front of him, "Thank you?" 

"My name is Sigfried, you're human too right?" Sigfried asked. 

"Of course," Yuuki nodded. 

"You should join us, there are a lot of beautiful girls in our group," Sigfried said. 

"Hoo??" Yuuki was somehow interested. 

"YUUKI!!!!" Everyone said at the same time. 

"I'm sorry but I can't join you," Yuuki said. 

Sigfried nodded, "Well, don't worry, at least let me be thankful for you for not killing Leonardo." 

Yuuki nodded, "You can release Yasaka for me if you're that grateful." 

Sigfried shook his head, "I can't do that, we have something important to do with her." 

"Oh, then I will take her by force," Yuuki answered. 

"Hahaha, I can't wait for that," Sigfried said. 

"Bastard, don't ignore us!!" Xenovia slashed her sword toward him.

Sigfried was still very calm and raised his sword to block her attack. 

"Haaa!!" Kiba also slashed his sword. 

Irina threw her light magic toward him. 

Sigfried made another arm on his back and his hands became three. He held three swords and skillfully blocked their attacks. 

Kiba, Irina, and Xenovia were overwhelmed by his attack and skillful attack. 

"Damn, he has three arms??" Xenovia said. 

"This is frustrating but he is indeed very strong," Kiba said. 

Sigfried was still calm in this situation and introduced his three swords, "The Emperor Demonic Sword, Gram. With this blade, I can take any opponent. Also Balmung and Nothung. Both are legendary swords in their own rights, as well. And this arm is Twice Critical, the Arm of Dragon."

"As expected, he has sacred gear and in addition, he hasn't activated his swords abilities," Kiba said. 

"I'd like to add that none of these have achieved Balance Breaker status," Sigfried said.



Thanks 😺

