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Yuuki had his fun with everyone and needed to check on the Khaos Brigade. He teleported the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. He entered the room and saw everyone was stretching. 

"Where are you going to go?" Yuuki asked. 

"We're going to fight some of the Gods in China," Vali said. 

Yuuki looked at him with speechless expression. He was wondering how Vali could talk that he would fight a Gods as if he would go to a convenience store. He looked at Bikou to ask confirmation since China was Bikou's hometown. 

"Yes, my ancestor found us opponents in China," Bikou said. 

"Let's go, nyaa! I want to test my new power, nyaa!!" Kuroka said. 

"Hmm, that's true, I want to handle this sword more," Arthur said while holding a Caladbolg. 

"Fenrir-chan also wants to go out, right?" Le Fay said while caressing Fenrir. 

"Woof!" Fenrir nodded happily. 

Yuuki looked at Fenrir with a strange expression, 'Is this a wolf or a dog?' 

Fenrir had changed its size into something smaller and looked like a dog. 

Yuuki walked toward Fenrir and caressed its head. 

"Woof! Woof!" Fenrir looked very docile and even showed off his belly. 

"Wow, you can tame Fenrir, nyaa!!" Kuroka was amazed. 

"Hey, isn't he very docile?" Yuuki asked. 

Bikou shook his head, "Beside Le Fay, Fenrir hates everyone." 

"Anyway, let's go, I want to fight some Gods!" Vali said with an excited expression. 

Everyone thought the same thing when they looked at him, 'Fighting Junky!' 


They arrived in a hidden mountain in China. 

There was a lot of fog that covered the entire mountain. 

It would be his first time to come to this place, Yuuki noticed this fog wasn't that simple and it had made someone to turn around or lost in this place. He understood why this place was hidden and no one had found it. 

They were walking for quite a long time since they could only teleport at the entrance of the mountain. They needed to walk to get to their destination. 

"Arrrrggg!! I am tired!! Nyaa!!!" Kuroka complained. She didn't like to walk and wanted to laze around. 

"Transform into your cat form, you can rest on my head or shoulder," Yuuki said. 

"Ok, nyaa!!" Kuroka transformed and lazed around on the top of his head. She moved her tail around and hugged him with her paws. 

Yuuki had to admit her cat form was really cute but he liked her human form since it was soft and huggable. 

Bikou sighed and thought about why they weren't born as a female. He also looked at how Le Fay was riding on the back of Fenrir. He also wanted to use his flying cloud but he couldn't use it. 

Arthur didn't complain and only walked silently.

Vali was excited and walked in front of everyone. He couldn't wait to fight with the gods. 

Ophis didn't join since her appearance would startle everyone. She also said that she didn't want to join. 

They were walking for a while until they arrived at the location. They saw a large field with a lot of beautiful scenery. On that location, they saw two people there, one of them similar to Bikou but with an older appearance and the other one was a child while holding a spear, sash around his body, and wheels on his feet. 

They saw both of them happily talking to each other. 

"Ancestor!!!" Bikou called. 

Both of them turned their heads and looked at them. 

"Bikou!" Sun Wukong waved his hand. 

"Hello," the child who was with Sun Wukong also waved his hand. 

Vali focused his attention on this child. 

Yuuki also looked at this child and knew this was a God. He knew God's appearance was random and they liked to do whatever they wanted. 

"Let me introduce you, this is Nezha," Sun Wukon said. 

"Are you going together one by one?" Nezha said. He only smiled at them and didn't think that the youngling in front of him could beat him. 

Everyone looked at each other and started to laugh. 

Le Fay smiled wryly at Nezha. She didn't know how powerful Nezha was but she knew how powerful everyone was around her. 

Vali looked at Neza and said, "We will go one by one." 

Nezha raised his eyebrow when he heard them laughing but he would show them that it was their downfall to underestimate him. He came to this place because Sun Wukong asked him to train his descendant and his friends but he didn't expect they were very arrogant. He looked at every one of them and could feel they were very powerful but he was also powerful. He looked at Vali and nodded since he knew that Vali was the White Dragon Emperor. He also looked at Bikou and Arthur because he felt some strange power around them. 

Nezha then looked at Kuroka who was in her cat form and also felt that she was very strong. He looked at the masked man and raised his eyebrow since he didn't feel anything. He looked at this masked man curiously since this had never happened before. 

Nezha ignored both Fenrir and Le Fay since he knew that both of them wouldn't fight with him, "Good, who is going to fight me first?" 

Vali, Bikou, Arthur, Kuroka who had transformed back into her human form, and Yuuki looked at each other. 

"Let's do it in order with the lottery," Yuuki said. He snapped his finger and made a lottery stick with numbers under it. 

They nodded at him and took a lottery sticks from his hands. 

"1," Bikou said. 

"4," Vali said with a sigh. 

"2," Kuroka said. 

"3," Arthur said. 

"5," Yuuki said. 

Nezha nodded, "Good, Sun Wukong's descendant, I hope you won't disappoint me." 

"Kakakaka, I will show you my power then," Bikou said and took his Ruyi Jingu Bang.

Both of them were looking at each other. 

"Bikou-san, don't lose!!" Le Fay shouted. 

Sun Wukong became the judge and shouted at them, "START!!!" 

Nezha hadn't moved since he was curious about Bikou.

Bikou didn't really care whether Nezha moved or not but he wanted to use his new power. He tapped his staff around and said, "Wood Spear!!" He made an enormous wood spear from the ground and released it toward Nezha. 

Nezha smiled, 'Interesting!' He raised his spear and received his attack. 





Nezha is minor characters in DXD. 



Thanks 😺


Thank's for the chapter. Get out Chang'e and more bauty from mythology china to adding in Yuuki's Harem. U know what i mean.


Merci pour le chapitre 🐼