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Yuuki was eating egg porridge together with Haibara. Neither of them really cared about the murder case in front of them. He had been in many wars and this scene didn't even faze him and Haibara was ex-members of The Black Organization. 

Both of them ate the egg porridge calmly even though they were stared at by the police there. They couldn't get out of this place since the police blocked the parked and told them not to get out until they solved the case. 

"Are you not going out?" Haibara asked. 

"Well, do you want to?" Yuuki asked. 

Haibara nodded. 

"Well, I also want to beat Conan to solve this case," Yuuki said. 

Haibara raised her eyebrow, "Can you?" She knew that Conan was Shinichi one of the best detectives in this country and it wouldn't be exaggerated to call him the reincarnation of Sherlock Holmes. 

Yuuki took his fedora hat and smoke pipe," Hmph, let me show you the power of Detective Yuuki." 

Haibara twitched at his act. 


Yuuki went out of his car and checked the four Porsches in front of him. He knew Banba's died in Kureko's car. 

"Have you eaten enough?" Conan asked. 

"Not bad, I will bring my girlfriend to eat there sometimes," Yuuki said and added, "Have you solved it?" 

Conan shook his head, "Not yet." 

"Then I will be the one who solves it," Yuuki said. 

Conan looked at the smoke pipe and his fedora hat. He thought it was fashion since he looked handsome but he didn't expect him to want to solve this case while dressing like that. He twitched his lips and felt insulted, "Then it will be a match." 

"Good," Yuuki said. 

Both of them went to their own separate ways to solve this case as soon as possible. 


"Megure Inspector, can I check the car?" Yuuki asked. 

"Why?" Megure asked. 

"I want to solve the case," Yuuki said and added, "It is better to have more people to solve this case, they said if you can't do it alone than do it together." 

Megure felt his words were very logical, "Good, just don't mess it up." 

"I won't," Yuuki said and started to check those cars. He looked at Kureko's car and didn't find anything that could be used to kill. He checked Hotei's car and found an electric reeler but he knew it couldn't be used since it was being kept in the bag. He wanted to check Taiyama's car but before that, he needed to ask something. 

"When did he die?" Yuuki asked. 

"Around an hour ago," Megure said. 

Yuuki nodded and started to check Taiyama's car. He checked every corner of the car and found a Porsche radio car. He went out of the car and saw Jodie, Ran, and Sonoko walked toward him. 

"Are you going to help to solve this case?" Sonoko. 

"Yeah, and I have found the killer," Yuuki said while smoking his smoke pipe, though there was nothing on it. 


"What? You have found the killer?" Megure was surprised. 

Yuuki nodded, "It is pretty easy actually." 

Conan looked at him with a doubtful expression. 

"Really? Who is it?" Megure asked. 

*BGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tiBJUPN1Fxc

Yuuki took a deep breath and pointed his finger at someone, "Taiyama, you're the culprit!" 

"Me?" Taiyama was stunned. 

"Yeah, it is you, the one who killed him," Yuuki said. 

"Wait, wait, Yuuki, Taiyama is a woman, she doesn't have enough strength to strangle someone to death," Megure said. 

Yuuki nodded, "Of course, she didn't have it, but it doesn't mean her car doesn't have it." 

"Her car???" They were surprised. 

"Of course, let me show you how she can kill him," Yuuki said while looking at Takagi, "Can you become the guinea pig?" 

Tagaki twitched his lips but nodded. He sat beside the corpse and let him do his experiment.

Yuuki hooked the fishing string on Takagi's neck and made it pass behind his head. He brought this fishing string toward Taiyama's car and sat in the passenger seat. 

"How can he kill him?" Conan asked. 

"Well, she was used to the power of the window's strength," Yuuki said while pressing the window button. 

The window started to pull the neck of Banba and killed him with it. 

Yuuki told them that the light in the parking park was quite dark and it was hard to see the small string. 

Taiyama also could use the first gear of her car so the car wouldn't make a lot of noise. 

"Then how can she retrieve the string?" Megure asked. 

"Well, it is easy, she used this car radio control," Yuuki told them that Taiyama tied the string on this radio control to retrieve the string. 

"But I should have been able to hear the sound of this radio control when I checked this car earlier," Megure said. 

"You don't know, the battery of the radio control can last only for 10 minutes, by the time you checked it, it was already over, you can check the radio control and you will be able to find the string," Yuuki said. 

Taiyama started to laugh and told them that she was the one who killed him. She told them that she wanted revenge on Banba since he had caused the death of her older brother. She wanted to forgive him but the thought of him playing golf after the incident as if nothing happened made her mad. 

Yuuki shook his head and walked toward her. He took her hand and caressed it slowly, "It's a shame that you use this beautiful hand to kill him, even though I am the one who revealed your crime but let's have some fun when you're free." 

Everyone was flabbergasted at his actions. 

Taiyamia smiled at him, "Well, that's not a bad idea." 

Yuuki nodded, "That's good, I will be wa-." 

Before he finished his words his ears were pulled by both Ran and Sonoko. 

Haibara also joined and stepped on his feet. 

"What are you doing?" Yuuki looked at them with a dissatisfied expression. 

Three of them became pissed and took him somewhere to reprimand him. 

Conan sighed and felt dissatisfied with his loss. 

"My, boy, you lost," Jodie smiled at him. 

Conan snorted, "I will be the winner next time." 

No one would forget this scene in front of them since they would see the birth of the next great detective.


If you want to read the real story.



Sir Earth

nice one...hahahaha

Sir Earth

more chapters please


plusss merci pour le chapitre !!


ooooooooooh yuuki is a baws


Thanks 😺




who's Taiyama ?