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Yuuki opened his eyes and saw an unfamiliar ceiling, "Where is this?"


Suddenly someone jumped on top of him. 

"Ugh!" Yuuki felt his solar plexus had been hit and the broken bones in his body still hadn't been healed. 

"Uwaaa!!" Perona was crying on his chest. 

"Hey, I am alive, didn't I?" Yuuki caressed her back and ignored the pain on his chest. He felt very dumb to fight very recklessly against Chinjao. If he was in his human-beast form he knew he wouldn't lose this badly against him. 

"Whaaa!! My Panda almost died!!" Perona cried on his chest. 

Yuuki twitched his mouth and sighed at her. 

"You are alive." 

Yuuki heard this voice and turned his head. He saw a beautiful figure of Robin looking at him with a strange expression. He twitched his lips again and said, "Do you want me to die or something?" 

"Well, you have been sleeping for the entire three days," Robin said. 

"That long!" Yuuki was surprised. He ignored the pain and sat on the bed. He still hugged Perona who was sleeping on his chest. 

"She has been waiting for you for three days," Robin said. 

"Really?" Yuuki was amazed. 

"Yes, she even brought her panda here when she took care of you," Robin said. 

Yuuki caressed Perona's hair and felt that this girl was very cute. He looked at Robin and said, "Where is Chinjao grandpa?" 

"He's on the outside, training his grandson, and I have told him that you're awake," Robin said. 

"How?" Yuuki asked. 

"Well, I used my power a bit," Robin said. 

Yuuki looked at her and said, "I am sorry." 

Robin raised her eyebrow and looked confused, "Why are you apologizing?" 

"I said, I will protect you but it seemed I was too weak to do that," Yuuki said with regret. He felt after obtaining devil fruit he would be unbeatable but it seemed he was the only frog in the well. He couldn't even beat Chinjao grandpa. He needed to get stronger if he really wanted her. 

"Is that why you apologize?" Robin asked. 

"Yes, why?" Yuuki looked confused at her. 

"Are you going to give up?" Robin started to feel sad when she thought she would leave him now. 

"No, of course not, I will learn for a bit maybe 3 years to get stronger here," Yuuki said and looked at her straight, "I want to marry the devil child someone who becomes the target of world government, I can't protect you now, but it doesn't mean I can't protect you in the future." 

Robin turned her head to hide her smile, "Well, then, you need to work hard and Chinjao grandpa has already come." 


The door was destroyed and a giant grandpa came to him. 

Yuuki looked at this giant grandpa who had tears and snot on his face. He felt sighing and really needed to get stronger. 


Yuuki had changed into his training clothes and looked at Chinjao with a curious gaze. He sat down with lotus pose while listening to his lesson. 

"Listen, the key to Hasshoken is the vibrations through your limbs, you need to move your limbs to make shockwaves to attack your enemies," Chinjao said. 

"How do I do that?" Yuuki knew the theory but it was different from the practice.

"Like this," Chinjao raised his hand and showed the shockwaves that came out of his hand. He didn't have strong shockwaves but it was enough to make normal people faint. 

Yuuki was curious and touched his hand. He felt the inside of his hand was moving around like a pendulum. He didn't know how he could control his limbs like that. 

"Do you understand?" Chinjao asked. 

"Are you only moving your limbs back and forth?" Yuuki asked. 

Chinjao shook his head, "Well, you're wrong, I am sending my Qi!" 

"Qi?" Yuuki had heard this kind of thing in the past. He had read that master of kungfu could send someone without touching their opponent's body. They could send a shockwave or Qi from their bodies to their opponents. He thought it was fraud since he had never seen it but it seemed it was possible to do it in this world. 

"Yes, Qi or life energy, you can call it anything, it is an invisible fluid of spiritual nature, streaming through your body organs," Chinjao said and added, "The first thing, you need to do is to feel your entire body with breathing, you can get your body stronger later but you need to strengthen your Chi now or else you won't be able to do it in the future. The older, you're the least chance that you can strengthen your Chi." 

Yuuki still didn't understand what Chi was? He was a very logical person and didn't believe in something that unscientific though everything in this world was also unscientific. 

"Now, close your eyes and breathe in through your nose then breathe out through your mouth," Chinjao said. 

Yuuki followed what Chinjao had told him. He decided not to think too much and followed his instructions. He could feel everything inside his body and started to forget the outside world. He could hear his heart beating, his organs did their works in the system, the air that entered his body, and he observed his body throughtly. 

"Good, you also need to feel your surroundings, feel the connection between you and your environment, you're not alone in this world and everything is connected, that is the living force," Chinjao said. 

Yuuki breathed calmly and felt the blood inside his body felt very happy. He could feel the oxygen that he had breathed was being absorbed by his blood to enhance themselves. He also started to feel his pores opened slightly and absorbed something from outside. He didn't care what it was but he felt it was good for his body. 

Suddenly he felt something streaming through his body but it was from different vessels and not from his blood vessels. Thought, the amount was very little and barely noticeable but he could feel it was very slowly increasing. 

He also somehow could feel the nature itself even though it was still blurred right now. He could feel the wind, the grass under him, the small animals, and even Chinjao who was looking at him. He smiled and felt this martial arts training would be more interesting.


Yuuki twitched his lips and focused again on his breathing and tried to increase this life force inside his body.


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