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Some of you whom have been to my streams may remember these guys! I'm still tweaking the designs here and there, but here's the party thus far!

Characters in diapers:
Human Fighter
Gnome Rogue
Dwarf Cleric

Characters in trainingpants/ pullups:
High Elf Arcanist (Needs diapers though)
Tiefling Warlock

Characters whom do not wear:
Orc Primalist

If you guys would like to see these guys interacting before I do a comic with them, feel free to leave a comment below with suggestions!




I love this adventuring crew! Looking forward to seeing more of them, so I'll toss a suggestion or two your way. How about the High Elf asking the Orc for a fresh pair of pullups, or the nastyboy Tiefling playing a prank on the High Elf.