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Hi everyone! Been a while. Now that I've finished my backlog (Incoming dropping a ton of art on dA!), I've now pushed ahead and made some significant changes to my patreon! The following are now the reward tiers, and will be effective as of Febuary when I start charging again:

Thank you! ($1+):  My sincerest thanks! It means a lot to me that you'd even donate at all.

Rotating Art Giveaway! ($5+):  Entry into the rotating art giveaway. Every month the name at the top of  this tier's list will receive art of one character (With 1-2 small  objects if you so desire). After you've had your turn, your name will be  added back to the bottom of the list. The list will also be visible for  everyone to see, so they may plan for their turn! As the number of  people in this tier increases, the level of the picture goes up (Sketch  (1 users) > Lineart (5 users) > Colour (10 users) > Shaded (15  users). In addition, patrons in this tier receive a flat 5% off of  commissions, and access to any sketches/ pictures I do if I decide to  put them here!  

Sketch Reward! ($25+, Max of 4):  A guaranteed single character (With 1-2 small objects) sketch per month!  In addition, patrons in this tier receive a flat 10% off of commissions  and their name added to the rotating list.

One Hour-Stream! ($50+, Max of 1):  You get one hour in stream with me, per month! Each additional hour is  $60. You also recieve a 10% discount on commissions, and entry into the  rotating giveaway!

Two Hour-Stream! ($100+, Max of 1):  WOAH. You're really keen to support me, huh? Well, then you get me as  your art slave for 2 whole hours per month; I'll draw you just about  whatever you want during that time! You may also add a third hour within  the same stream for only $55 more. In addition, you have a %15 discount  on commissions, and you're included in the rotating art giveaway!

**CUSHY PEN EXCLUSIVE TIER** ($110+, Max of 1):  **CUSHY PEN MEMBERS ONLY** - One guaranteed, full color, two character  AND background shaded piece by myself and Carnival-Tricks completed per  month!  This includes access to private streams, exclusive works on my  patreon, and a 10% discount on any additional commissions from CT and a  10% on any additiononal commissions by me, too!  Complicated elements  (armor, three point perspective, dragons, or super detailed character) are subject to an additional fees (starting at $10). MUST be a member  of the Cushy Pen to redeem this tier.

Thank you once again for all of your support throughout 2016; with this new system I should be able to remain completely backlog free! And as I ease into more consistant work again, I do plan on increasing the amount of the later tiers, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Lets make this a great year!