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Hey guys, just wanted to give you a little heads up regarding this month's and possibly next month's patreon rewards: Currently writing this from my old laptop, my computer is currently borked. Now, I'm not 100% sure what's wrong with it, but I'm hoping its just some component that can be replaced. I should be able to finish sketch-tier stuff just fine, but as Photoshop hogs a lot of resources on this laptop, I don't believe I'll be able to stream. My most sincerest apologies to all my lovely Patrons, I will be working to fix this as soon as possible.



Shit, sorry to hear that. What sort of problem is borking the computer? Like if it's refusing to turn on at all or turning off after being on for a little while, it might just be the CPU or Power Supply that would need to be swapped. But that can be a semi-expensive guess to make, especially for a CPU, so I dunno. Regardless, hope it's an easy fix so you don't have any long-term headaches from this.


It doooooes turn on, but the boot-up screen is covered with... vibrantly coloured lines with letters in them? And the login screen is just grey with thin stripes. Soooo fingers crossed its a cheapo fix!


Sorry it broked, crossing my fingers that it's an easy fix!


Thaaaat sounds like it can be either a problem with the GPU or Windows itself. So possibly as simple as paying someone to transfer your HDD to a new install of Windows on a new drive. Which can be $99 in the US but who knows what the Australia prices are.


Yeahhh it'd probably be more than that. I was kinda thinking the same thing with the GPU? Soooooo hopefully it'll all be revealed.