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It's been another horny weekend with a generous client at some sleazy motel. The hot tub is ready. Phy wiggles his hips and winks at the very excited gentleman sitting in the bubbly water. What a life!

Since Phy was a young boy, he had always been warned about the sleazy neon-lit back alley kind of lifestyle. Particularly when it came to being attracted to certain kinds of women.

"Absolutely avoid women of the night..." 

"Don't fall for their siren's call." 

"A succubus like that can ruin your life!"

Jeez Dad. Thanks for the solid advice. It's almost like you recklessly got a prostitute pregnant and had to raise her sin-baby all by yourself after she left it at your doorstep. 


Well anywho! 

Having an expensive (and unintentional) sexchange procedure so he could work as a veeery womanly-shaped entertainer and escort for a rather niche clientele really wasn't something he imagined when employers would ask "where do you imagine yourself in 5 years?"

He tells himself he will start saving up for that reverse procedure...but time and time again finds that he cant help but smile at his heart pounding reflection every morning. There's just no way his primitive horny man brain will ever allow this endlessly shocking body exploration experience to be normalized. There's just something so delightfully wrong about seeing that genuine beautiful full frontal woman nudity in the mirror that really causes him to deeply enjoy his day in spite of himself.

Phy suddenly shudders at what his dad might say if he were to see him like this now.

Considering the old bastard's solid anti-sleaze principles, he'd never show up at a place like this...right?  


Now's not the time to dwell on such awkward and unlikely problems... Today's client really wants you to join him in the hot tub already!




Phy looking gorgeous as always! Also liked the story for this one. Plus that line about his dad showing up would ma0ke for a very interesting meeting. Who knows how that would go!