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So I'm re-working the deluge tier to be a lot more interactive and functional than what I previously had. Sketches are officially over, to be replaced by Friday Polls + Discord channel access on the specific topic of details for future uploads. 

Every Friday I will make a poll on here that describes a scenario or lists specific characters.  Deluge tier supporters get to vote on what or who I draw and upload the next week. This will hopefully organize me to upload at a better pace as well, instead of my usual procrastination followed by panic-posting on the very last day of the month.

The winning poll choice is picked on Monday.  In addition to poll, everyone in deluge tier is able to suggest specifics on the winning pick.

Example Poll:





Lets pretend the winning character is Denny when the poll closes on Monday. Everyone in Deluge tier is then able to participate in the Deluge tier discord channel on what they'd like to see for Denny. Almost anything goes. If I like the idea, I will certainly incorporate it! The Discord Channel itself will have more pinned information regarding limitations and things to avoid. I will do my best to incorporate as many good ideas as possible, and even doodle extras if I want to explore things that I cannot pour all my time into. I do not guarantee being able to incorporate your idea, but that's why I prefer open discussion on such things. Let me know how I can improve this if you have any ideas.

Feel free to ask me questions. Thank you so much for your patience and your support. I might actually be able to afford health insurance soon because of the support you guys give me. Thank you again.


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