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It's one of those things where you think about it all day until you just have to try it. 

Phy always loved the way beautiful women would have such a dainty tip-toe way of running while in high heels. 

of course he had to try it and....

Woah! It's actually pretty hard! 

But Phy is as horny as he is determined to perfect this stupid little thing for his own satisfaction. It was worth falling over a few times.

Being chased around while in high heels really has some kind of primal thrill trigger that gets him uniquely excited. Of course he knows he can never out run his big dicked company... and that just gets him even more excited.  Being groped, grabbed, and swept of his feet like some kind of pretty lady is really some fulfilling entertainment. Phy might consider himself a male, but being fully embraced and enjoyed for his womanly traits takes him to another level of arousal.

Perfecting that dainty little run is simply another kinky fun accessory for his ongoing erotic journey. 



Dandy Cupcake

Honestly it’s so good to see more Phy content, such a fuckin cutie