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Phy is a simple guy with simple needs. Not long ago, he would collect short video clips of beautiful women wearing nothing but a towel, while flashing their full frontal woman nudity for a few seconds at a time. Something about being teased with his most favorite thing to look at really got him going. 

Today he clumsily tries to emulate the act for the camera, which quickly gets him worked up as he goes with it. These odd jobs sure have a way of pushing his buttons and making him dizzy with a shy kind of lust, but the playful teasing by paying customers really gets him turning redder than ever. 

Today's client works for the same company that had provided many of Phy's favorite short video clips of beautiful women. He couldn't help but whine with shock at the irony of his situation, but he was happy to take the job, even if it did feel like an extra guilty pleasure. 

Phy knows he's doing this "sexy lady in a towel" act terribly. He trembles all over, stutters,, giggles nervously with his deep voice while posing and flashing for the camera. Phy stops and bashfully asks if he's doing okay. The camera man reassures him that part of the appeal IS his horny masculine energy clumsily contained within such a gorgeous female shaped body. Phy covered his face and shuddered with goosebumps and a warm tingly passionate stimulation at being described in this way.

A few minutes later, and after some continued playful teasing from the camera man, Phy is unable to hold back. The orgasm process is inevitable. He opens the towel, yelps with the sudden delight overtaking his body, causing him to thrust his hips involuntarily as the climax sensation peaks. Word gets around and his client knew that Phy has a tenancy to have a fully hands free orgasmic response if teased about his sexchange just right... and capturing the moment of ecstasy was exactly what the client had wanted for his massive library of unique visual beauty. 

The tip for his services is once again, quite large. 



Eddie Ronan

Finally, some ladies