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She gives her usual 'kawaii' pose out of habit while her boyfriend snaps a picture to celebrate her new job. The erotic male dancer/stripper look is a total guilty pleasure for her, but it's strange going around without something to cover her chest. She fights the urge to bashfully cover her beefy pecs. 

The job is simple: Serve drinks, massage some of the guests, smile etc. Since it's such an exclusive establishment, things are a lot less hectic than what she remembers about her college job as a waitress. The whole "being a big sexy beefy man from the neck down" does distract her quite a lot though. Thankfully huge erections threatening to snap a tight speedo or thong isn't the kind of thing that's frowned upon here.   

She's really going to blush herself into a singularity at this rate!



Nag Nago

Missed DaddyMouse so much


I'm sure working alongside newly female-bodied coworkers creates all types of fun, blush-filled situations for guests to tease her about!


D'aww, she's adorable. I kinda wish she could lift me up in those big, beefy arms.