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A little something more fetishy and guilty pleasure-ey than usual. Been in a real DJ mood this month and hoping to go further in depth on his whole character soon.

Porn stuff is great n' all, but I can't help but blush way more about the mundane on the outside, intense on the inside situations where characters dwell and obsess on something that makes them horny and bothered.

A few good friends keep encouraging me to be more open about this kinda thing... Pretty much just trying to learn how to just have more fun and be less worried about over-indulging lol

Anywho, here you have it. DJ having a horny-attack about having a cute little vagina for the rest of his life. He gets a few of these bothersome trembly throbby passionate episodes per day. It's a good thing he no longer operates heavy machinery or drives around for a living anymore!




"Operates Heavy Machinery" ; D


That seems like an amazing to MAKE happen, but a terrible thing to HAVE happen, if that makes sense.

Benjamin Wolfe

A tragic moment... but he's so pretty and cute! I can't wait to see more of this pretty man/woman.